Chapter 6:

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Hailey's POV:

A month, it's being a month since that incident after that everything went back to normal, well kind of normal after that night when I slept at Blake's house he drove me home the next day and I went to work at the café Julian is a great guy we've being getting closer by time he told me about his life in London and it was so interesting to hear about it he even promised me to take me there on the holidays as for Blake we've being practicing on his terrible voice I don't even know why he picked singing if he had that terrible voice we still hadn't picked a song for the talent show yet, and the mafia they stopped showing since that day when Frank beat me and I'm still afraid every night I lock all the doors but I have trouble sleeping and I see nightmares every time I close my eyes, My phone started ringing I looked at the caller ID and it was Blake

"What?" I answered the phone

"well hello to you too Hailes, I'm doing great thanks for asking what about you?" he asked

"I was fine until this jerk decided to call" I said as I laid in my bed, I was so tired and It was so comfortable that I moaned

"wow I'm not even there and I got you moaning I'd like to see what will happen if I was next to you, actually I'm coming over now" he said then hang out,What? He's coming why in the world is he coming? My house is a mess and he'll consider it as an ugly shit comparing to his luxury apartment I groaned and jumped out of my bed then the doorbell rang, how in the world did he manage to get here so fast? I rushed downstairs and swing the door open and there stood Blake in all his glory wearing a dark blue jean and a black V neck shirt even in those plain clothes he managed to look hot dang it

"come in" I said and turned around before he could make any remark about me checking him out because I was sure as hell that he will, I made my way to the living room and I heard him following me I sat on the coach and he placed a bag at the table

"what's that?" I asked with a raised eyebrow

"nothing, just some snakes and a-" before he finished I cut him off with furry drawing all over myself

"so you bought food with you?" I snapped "thinking that I don't have any? Or you were afraid that you'll die from hunger while staying here? Just because I'm not as wealthy as you are doesn't mean you get to bring food or act like I'm poor" I yelled taking a step closer to him looking straight at his eyes and they soften

"Hailey, I really didn't mean to I just bought a movie thinking that we could watch it and I got snacks to eat while we're watching I never knew you weren't that wealthy before, I'm sorry if I did something wrong or hurt you feelings" he said and tried to hold my hand but I snapped it away feeling a little guilty that I yelled at him and said those hurtful words

"it's okay" I said in a whisper and went to the bag and took the movie he bought and it was 'If I stay' and I smiled I loved that movie and I was dying to see it because I loved the book too but with everything that was going throw I never got the time

"nice choice in movie" I turned and said to Blake who was now sitting in the coach

"I thought it was your type so I bought it" he said with a smile I put the movie in the dvd player and started it I took a seat next to Blake but I pushed myself as far away as possible from him he noticed that but didn't say a word I just watched the movie and I was eyeing those gummy bear he got I adore them but my pride told me to not touch that bag I already embarrassed myself because of it,Blake went to the bag and took out a bag of chips then held the gummy bear packet and turned to me

"Like those? I hate them I just got them thinking you might like them" he said and handed me the packet and I died from joy, don't be silly Hailey! My inner voice said

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