Chapter 8:

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Blake's POV:

I got in the car with Hailey's stuff in my hand I still can't believe she will be living with me when I asked her I thought she'll say no and that she have somewhere else to stay but she didn't and I was so happy I drove the car to my apartment I arrived and parked the car got in the elevator and into my apartment when I opened the door I was hit by a heavenly smell of cheese

"I'm back" I said as I put Hailey's bag on the floor

"in here" Hailey shouted from the kitchen I walked there and I saw her standing cutting some vegetables still wearing only my shirt that looked so sexy on her and I wanted to take her down right here right now she turned around and smiled

"I made dinner" she said turning around

"I can smell that, it must taste like heaven" I replied

"hope you like it , it's my famous mac and cheese recipe it's special because I made it up actually" she said putting two plates on the table with forks and glasses

"I also did a simple salad trying to keep it healthy" she smiled and turned to bring the bowl of salad and put it in the table and I just stood there like a damn jerk staring at every move she made she then went to the oven and bought her so called "special mac and cheese" it looked like heaven and I couldn't wait to taste it

"Go wash your hand and come eat dinner" she said and I nodded heading to the bathroom she sounded like my wife saying that, I got back and she was still standing

"take a seat I'll serve you" she said

"I can do it myself you know, you already cooked just take a seat already" I replied taking a seat myself

"Okay" she replied and sat "I usually eat it directly from the pot without putting it in a plate and sit in my bed while watching a movie" she added sounding sad

"well we still can do that, without the bed part and the movie" I said then took the plates from the table and put them in the stink then went back and she was staring at me I took a fork

"dig in" I said and started eating as soon as I put the fork in my mouth I moaned without even noticing

"that's so good, this is my new favorite dish now" I said and noticed she wasn't eating so I took her fork and fed her myself

"Open your mouth" I said

"what are you doing Blake?" she asked surprised Damn say my name again! My brain shouted

"Just eat!" I replied and put the fork in her mouth and the sticky cheese stuck on her lip while she laughed and I couldn't resist but take my thumb and rib her bottom lip she was surprised by my move and stayed still staring at me while I was staring back looking at her beautiful eyes then she broke our eye contact and took her fork again eating some salad and I went back to the mac and cheese

"when you were gone I had this kind of plan to tell you" she said

"Okay go ahead" I replied

"I usually always wake up early so I'll make you breakfast and go to catch the bus please don't insist on driving me people will see us together and things will get messed up and I don't need to add that to my life now,Deal?" she said but I didn't like the idea of her going alone and taking a bus I was about to reject her plan when she held my hand I looked up to her

"Please" she said and I couldn't help but say

"Yes, okay fine! Just be careful and call me if anything happened" I told her

"I will" she replied smiling we finished eating and we washed the dishes together I usually put them in the dish washer and go but she insisted on washing them so I helped her

"I usually listen to music while washing dishes, hold up I'll go bring my phone" she said then went and came back with her phone and speakers she settled them on the table in front of the stink and put on a song

"it's Follow me by Jason Derulo feat Hardwell" she told me and started washing as the song started

"Is it a sin that I want it bad half way to hell I made my bet baby give in" she sang with the song while shaking her hips

Then a part came when it says

My name on your lips sweat on your skin I wanna love you again and again don't make me wait 'cause I need to know if I go will you follow me

"I love this song specially the DJ part going to tomorrowland was always my dream" she said while washing and shaking to the music

And I just stared at her and smiled we finished washing and went to the living room

"wanna watch a movie?" I asked

"I don't know I'm kind of tired but what do you have in mind?" she asked sitting next to me in the sofa

"Insurgent? I don't know if you watched Divergent or not" I asked

"I did and I was dying to watch Insurgent but I never got the chance to" she replied

"Insurgent it is then" I said and went to start the movie

We sat in the sofa watching the movie until her head fell on my shoulder I turned and found her asleep I scooped her in my arms and carried her to her room, put her in bed she looked so gorgeous sleeping like an angel I stood up and went back to the living room turned off the tv and all the lights changed into my sweatpants and took off my shirt and laid in bed not able to sleep I closed my eyes but Hailey's picture kept on coming in front of me I looked at my phone and saw that it was already 3a.m and I didn't sleep yet and tried closing my eyes again when I heard a voice scream

"No, Blake Blake!" it was Hailey's

It was short but there will be more soon :) !

I met him on a bus (bad boy story)Where stories live. Discover now