Chapter 5:

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Hailey's POV:

I woke up the next morning at 8 because I didn't have class until the afternoon so I decided I'll clean up the house a little because I didn't have the time and it's a mess I went to the bathroom brushed my teeth and washed my face then started fixing my bed and organizing my books I then went to dad's room I opened the window and let the sun shine throw, the day was beautiful but not for me my heart hurt I feel so weak and little dizzy I then opened his closet and I found a box at the floor I took it and put it on the floor,I sat and opened it and then found all mom's stuff, her cloths her make up bag and even our pictures he kept them all from me I held her favorite shirt I remember when she used to wear it and I come to hug her so I hugged the shirt as tears filled my eyes then started pouring down my face I then saw a camera I turned it on and played the videos it was the night mom gave birth to me they were in a hospital room mom holding me in her hand and dad filming her they said they were so happy they had me and they adored me ,I played the next video it was my first birthday the image wasn't clear to me because my eyes were so full of tears, how could he just leave me like that he was all I had left? Then the bedroom door opened with a loud bump I turned around and there stood Frank

"so you're here, oh what is that in your hand?" he asked and took a step and I hide the camera behind my back and started backing away

"what are you hiding?" he roared

"It's just a tape from my mother when she was alive" I finally replied and he strangely believed me

"so did your screwed up dad show up last night or called?" he asked and that made my blood boil

" I don't fucking know he left he is gone and I know for sure he doesn't care enough to come back so stop showing up!!" I screamed, I was so annoyed and broke and just tired he took a step closer so he was facing me then he bend down and whispered

"oh wrong move little kiddo"he cought me by the hair and I screamed in pain then he slapped me I tried to get up but he put me down by holding my hair then punched my stomach and I felt the pain all over my body he then lifted me up and pushed me to the wall roughly the bones of my back almost cracked , he slapped me over and over until I was laying on the floor bleeding from my nose and mouth he then backed off and fixed his jacket

"that will teach you a lesson" was all he said after walking off and I couldn't move the pain almost killed me and all I could do is cry and cry until everything went black

I woke up not knowing what time was it I tried to move but my ribs hurt to death I grabbed my phone from my back pocket and saw it was 6 in the morning looks like I slept until morning I forced myself to move with all that pain and went to the shower I took a look at my face in the mirror and I gasped I had a cut on my lips and a big black eyes and bruises covering all my face I started taking off my shirt as the pain got worse and under it my ribs were all blue and bruises everywhere I took off the rest of my cloths slowly and  went in the shower I let the hot water poor down my body as I silently cried in pain, I finished the shower and went to wear my big black hoodie with black leggings and my converse I put the hood on and tried to cover my face so people won't see me, took my bag and went to school on my way I stated feeling weaker and dizzier but I managed to get to the school parking lot

Blake's POV:

Hailey, she didn't show up at school yesterday and damn it I don't even have her phone number but I'll sure as hell get it today and I don't even know where she lives to go check up on her, maybe she's just sick or had to go with her family! And even though I don't know her for a long time and I'm not that close to her I keep thinking of her, her beautiful innocent face, her smile, the beautiful sound of her laugh, the taste of that kiss, and the hug, I remember it all I just can't get her off my mind, I saw a body on the parking lot someone wearing a black hoodie that cought my attention then the person collapsed on the floor and I ran to help him I took their hood of and I saw Hailey's face it was full of bruises and she had a cut on her lip I carried her and ran to my car I laid her on the back seat and started driving to the hospital

I met him on a bus (bad boy story)Where stories live. Discover now