Chapter 20:

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Hailey's POV:

It's being six month since the accident, a lot had changed I got into college which is amazing, I got in NYU and this is my second week here, and I loved it , it was hard leaving dad all alone in that house but I had to think about my future, something weird had being happening to me though, I feel like I'm missing something like there is something important that I'm forgetting, I was so deep in my thoughts that I bumped into someone and my books fell on the floor as I just bought them from the library I bent down to collect them and the person did the same helping me once he gave them to me I lifted my head

"Thanks" I said with a smile, then I was lost on his eyes and my heart started beating so fast, he was so good looking with those amazing eyes and messy hair

"No problem" he replied "hey,my name's-" he started but I ran away like the stupid person that I am, he looked weirdly familiar, I rushed to my dorm room.

"Hey what's up?" Sidney said and I didn't reply I just stood there my back on the wall and hand on my beating heart "what happened to you?" she questioned

"do you think love at first sight exist?" I asked her

"you are definitely weird" she laughed and I ignored her, I just need to remember where I saw him before.

Blake's POV:

I just saw her and that made me realize how much I missed her and how much I still love her, I can't believe we go to the same college how come I not see her sooner?! in those past months a lot had changed I got into college which is really great, mom got a divorce and with the money she gained from her work she bought a house I used to live there before moving in here, as if for George he went to jail the cops found out about his nasty job and closed the art school along with his company, Tony was the one that helped for all this to happen, now he's training to be a cop himself and the rest of his guys are in jail with him, things had being going kinda well I have a roommate called Cole he's a nice guy, Alex and Daniel are still the same each one of them had got in to college, surprisingly for Daniel, I'm sure he studied to get there just so he can party, I never got a girlfriend after Hailey girls try to get close to me but I politely decline

All I kept doing was think of Hailey, and today that I saw her I'll have to get close to her again, she fell for me once maybe she'll fall for me again.

"Hey Cole I'm going to the café need anything?" I asked Cole from the door

"No thanks I'll go check on Sidney anyways" he shouted from the shower and I closed the door Sidney was his girlfriend I never saw her before, but he told me that she was his girlfriend for two years now, I walked to the closest Café and went to order a cup of coffee I took a seat waiting for my coffee then I saw her, she was sitting a notebook next to her and she was writing something down with a cup of Frappuccino next to her, I hesitated a little but then I gained my courage then I walked to her

"Hey there runner girl" I said using the same nickname I used in her first day on art school, she lifted her head and looked at me with a small smile

"Hi" she replied

"can I sit?" I asked

"Nope my boyfriend is coming soon, he's really jealous so you better get going he's so strong too he will beat you up" she replied looking serious and I felt pain, she has a boyfriend then her serious look turned into a small laugh

"I was just kidding sit down" she added and I smiled released

"well don't underestimate my power I can take anyone down" I said taking a seat

I met him on a bus (bad boy story)Where stories live. Discover now