Chapter 12:

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"Hailey dear why do you look so pale?" Martha asked me as soon as she saw my face

"I'm fine just little flue but I'm feeling better now" I reassured her and went to get ready to start working

"no you're not doing anything today you're sick you need to rest" She argued

"But I told you I'm fine" I replied

"Julian dear thank god you're here, come help me with this girl" Martha said and I turned around to see Julian standing by the door in all his glory looking hot as hell, Euh the flue is messing with my head!!!

"What is it grandma?" he asked standing next to me

"Hailey here is sick and refuse to go and rest" she told him and he turned his head in a second so fast I was afraid he might broke his neck then placed his hand on my cheeks

"you do look pale, what happened? Are you feeling better? Come on let's go" he said then took my hand and dragged me with him I managed to take my bag in the way

"Grandma I'm upstairs if you need anything" he shouted

"Take good care of her honey" Martha replied

I followed Julian to the apartment and we got in, it was so cozy and lovely

"take a seat in the living room I'll go make us some hot chocolate" Julian said putting the keys on the table and heading off to where seemed like the kitchen , I sat of the sofa and I saw a picture of Martha and Julian and a man and a women I guess those were his parents

Julian came back with two mugs that said Mr and Mrs written on them and he put them in front of me

"Before you say anything those aren't a couple mug grandma got those for me and her" he said with a small chuckle

"I find this super cute can we take a pic with them?" I asked taking my phone out

"sure" he replied he took his mug and handed me mine we put them infront of our lips and did funny faced like wide eyes and dancing eyebrows

"this is defenetly going to be my screen lock" I laughed

"send it to me then" Julian said and I did

We sat in the sofa and finished drinking our hot chocolate

"your cheeks has color now" he said carasing my cheek with his hand and I nodded

"thank god you were looking like a ghost back then" he teased

"how dare you!" I gasped and he just laughed

"I wanna hear your singing mind singing for me?" Julian asked

"Em okay, but there's no music in here" I stated

"let's go to my room then" he stood up and I followed him

We step into his room and it was a grey color with a king sized bed and on the side there was a mini fridge it was well organized he had a desk with his lap top on top and some drawing essentials and a some paintings were hanging on his wall on the corner was a karaoke machine

"here's your music" he said pointing to the karaoke machine

"your room is pretty nice" I stated

"Thanks" he replied I then went to his desk there was papers of drawing I saw one that was underneath the others all I could see was a long hair I went to hold it to see the face but my hand was held by Julian I turned to face him

"Don't touch that" he said little too aggressively

"sorry didn't meant to" I said feeling sorry I looked at the floor

I met him on a bus (bad boy story)Where stories live. Discover now