Chapter 3:

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Hailey's POV:

I stood in front of the gats of the art school and took a deep breath 'you can do this' I said to myself assuming that Boss has a lot of connection he managed to transfer me to this school immediately I walked in and there was a lot of fancy cars in the parking lot and it looks like I was on time because the parking lot was almost empty I made my way to the building and the bell rang  and student started rushing to get to class and some of them were staring at me like I'm some kinda of a freak and whispering to each other but I ignored them and took my schedule and started reading it until I bumped into someone and my bag fell and my books were all over the floor Great! I went down to gather them and the person helped me

"Thanks" I said and lifted my head and came face to face to the boy I saw in the bus and worse he's the boy I kissed that day

"Hey we have to stop meeting like this" he said with a smile, let me just say that he looked flawless I panicked and ran to the bathroom that I thankfully found easily I washed my face and looked at the mirror, what if he ask me about that day? What would I reply and what if he brings up that kiss I groaned and walked out of the bathroom I checked my schedule and I had art course and I choose singing class because I had a nice voice and I'm not that professional in dancing I know some moves but they are not enough I went in class and it was weirdly empty I took a seat put my headphones in and started singing with the song of Demi Lovato I hate you don't leave me, and started singing with it

"I admit I'm in and out of my head don't listen to a single word I've said just hear me out before you run away cause I can't take this pain" and then I heard a clap I took of my headphone

"you have an amazing voice" a voice said

"Thanks" I replied then turned around to be faced with the guy from the bus

He takes a seat next to me "so you have a name runner girl?" he said and I raised my eyebrow at the nickname he noticed " see cause every time we bump into each other you run away" he said "it's Hailey" I replied but didn't ask for his "well nice to meet you too Hailey thanks for asking about my name by the way, it's Blake" he said and I nodded

"so what are you doing in singing class that's kinda girly you know" I teased him

"well baby I'm as manly as it can get and I can prove it" he replied smirking

"no need to I already know that I'm right Girly-Blake" I replied he was about to reply when the teacher came in and the class was filled with student now

"Welcome class, as you know in this class we will always work for the talent show get ready to win the big price I'm miss Davon but you can call me July and I'll be your teacher for the rest of the year" she said and we all nodded and I smiled at her

"Oh look we have a new face, what's your name?" she ask looking at me

"Hailey" I replied

"Well Hailey why don't you come and sing something for us" she said and I went to stand next to her facing the class and Blake's eyes never left me

"This is Ghost by Ella Henderson" I said

" I keep going to the river to pray cause I need something that can wash out the pain ..." and I sang from the bottom of my heart when I finished they all clapped and I blushed

"Lovely" July said "now go take a seat I have news" she added

"This year the rules of the talent show has changed and you will be competing and singing as a duet, I'll tell you who your partner are tomorrow" she said and took a seat and some girl started singing while other played Piano and guitar they were really good Blake remained silence and just kept moving his head with the music and I catch him staring at me once in a while but I think I was just imagining the bell rang and I took off directly and went to the next class.

I met him on a bus (bad boy story)Where stories live. Discover now