Chapter 10:

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Hailey's POV:

Blake is a real bipolar he was fine a minute ago all happy and even was taking me out to lunch then out of the blue he throw me out if his car and said he had somewhere to be I decided to not think about him and go to the cafeteria to grab something to eat no actually I don't feel hungry any more I'll just go to the singing classroom and stay there while students finish their lunch, I got to class and no one was there thankfully I took a seat grab the guitar and started singing "dear no one"

"but sometimes I just want somebody to hold someone to give me their jacket when it's cold got that young love even when we're old, yeah sometimes I want someone to grab my hand pick me up pull me close be my man I'll love you till the end, so if you're out there I swear to be good to you but I'm done looking for my future someone cause when the time is right you'll be here but for now dear no one this is your love song" I decided to stop singing and just take a seat then my phone buzzed and I got a text from Julian

Jul: did your class start yet?

Me: no, what are you doing?

Jul: I'm in the cafeteria I just finished lunch, what about you?

Me: in an empty class room

Jul:oh with whom? Naughty girl!

Me: oh please you know I'm innocent, all by myself

Jul: well get ready after your shift I have a surprise for you

Me: oh really! I can't wait what is it?

Jul: didn't you read the part where I said SURPRISE? Gotta go now Later Love

Then the teacher came in and I locked my phone and put it in my pocket all students came but Blake was nowhere to be seen so I decided to text him

Me: where are you? class had started

I waited for his reply but it never came the teacher said that we'll have to sing with our partner but mine wasn't there so I just sat and listened they were pretty amazing though I kinda got scared I might not win this cause Blake's voice was so far from good

School ended and I headed to the café, I got there and it wasn't that crowded looks like people didn't get out from work

"Hello dear" Martha welcomed me as soon as I got in

"Hi Martha, how are you?" I asked her going to the back where I put my stuff

"I'm good, people didn't start to come yet because some of them are still at work or at school but we will have a lot of work to do later" she said

"I know" I replied with a smile

"Julian will be here any second" she said and walked away then Julian walked in

"Hailey love did you miss me?" he said while hugging me

"Julian, I can't breathe" I spoke

"ah sorry" he stepped back "so when does this place get crowded"? He asked as we got back to the café counter

"about an 30mn from now, wanna grab a drink?" I asked

"yes and this time no tea please" he joked

"Okay fine, I'll get you hot chocolate then" I replied and he nodded

I made him the drink and made one for myself then we took the table on the corner and stayed there

"so what have you being up to those past days?" he asked me and I didn't know what to say I'm sure if he and Martha found out about my house or me staying with Blake they'll ask me to live with them and I don't want to bother them, just admit you like stay with Blake already my inner voice said and I pushed it away

I met him on a bus (bad boy story)Where stories live. Discover now