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Hailey POV:

"and in my heart you remain still" Brooke sang and the other students clapped for her

"that was really good Brooke the notes were perfect the lyrics are amazing, and singing because of a heart break can get you a very swift carrier" I said and the students laughed , well you see after ten years I became a singing teacher, seeing those teenagers building their dreams and helping them in their road brings me joy plus it's the best job I could ever have

"Thanks guy, you may go home now I'll be seeing you tomorrow" I announced going to my desk to get my things but I noticed Tamara she was this really quiet girl with a sweet voice she was sitting spacing out

"Tamara I said you could go" I repeated

"Ah sorry, I didn't hear you" she replied standing up holding her bag

"is everything okay?" I asked her and she had this sad look on her eyes

"yeah everything is just fine" she replied but I didn't believe her

"good, hold on I have something for you" I informed her and went to my desk and bought her a copy of my book, In my time of pregnancy Blake didn't let me work so all I did was stay home and I started writing this book Blake bought me to a library on our wedding anniversary and his gift for me was that he published my book

"here you go, maybe you haven't read it because it's not like those teen fiction that you like but remember I was a teen once" I told Tamara handing a copy of my book

"Thanks, I'll read it for sure" she replied with a smile "I better get going now, thanks again Mrs Montgomery" she added

"no problem and you can call me Hailey" I said and she nodded smiling then left

"I'm home" I announced opening the front door

"Mommy!!!!" my five years old girl came running to me and I scooped her in my arms

"How's my baby doing?" I asked her kissing her cheek

"I'm good, daddy's not so well he's in the kitchen he tried to cook" she informed me and I laughed, well seems like Blake wasn't so well cooking solo he'd freak out and end up messing things the only thing he did right was the pancakes

"Let's go see daddy then shall we princess Chloe" I said putting her down and holding her hand

"very well my queen" she replied giggling

"hey babe, how was work?" Blake asked pecking my lips

"good like always, how about you?" I asked him, Blake studied law and now he's a very successful lawyer

"fine, very busy" he replied

"I'm going to change while you throw whatever you're trying to create in there and I'll come make us some real dinner" I teased and he laughed nervously while Chloe giggled

"you're laughing at Daddy? I'll show you" Blake said and Chloe ran away and he ran after her grabbing her and tickling her I smiled at the view next to me and went to my room to change into some pair of pants and plain shirt tied my hair and went back to the kitchen Blake was sitting there on his laptop

"where's Chloe?" I asked him opening the fridge taking off some vegetables putting them on the counter

"she's in her room playing" he replied and I washed the vegetables to cut them, I put them on the cutting board and started cutting until I felt a hand wrapped around my waist and put his chin on my shoulder

"I missed you babe" he whispered kissing my neck

"after all this time you still call me babe? We're grown now how about use sweetheart or honey" I stated turning around facing him

I met him on a bus (bad boy story)Where stories live. Discover now