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Hailey's POV:

Saturday, it was the only day I get to sleep in because I have nothing to do and I don't have a shift at the café either but the doorbell had to wake me up, I swear if it was Blake I'll kick his ass I went downstairs and opened the door to be faced by two men with suits that looked around thirties

"Hello, Mrs Jonson is your father here?" asked the man

"I'm sorry but he's not here, how can I help you?" I asked him

"well, do you know when he's coming back we need to talk to him it's urgent" he added

"he's not coming back" I replied

"oh, I'm sorry for your lost Mrs" he said

"oh no he's not dead he's just not here at the moment" I stated

"well then I guess I have to say that to you" he replied

"please come in" I said and opened the door wider for them to come in, they did and the man started explaining

"your dad owns a lot of money to the bank and I'm afraid I have to book on the property, and the only thing that you have left is your house so I'll have to tell you that you have until tonight to empty it I hope you have somewhere else to stay or any relatives to take you in" he explained and the other guy handed him a paper that proved the booking and I just stood there frozen I lost the only thing I have left which is my house the only place full of my mom's memories now I'm left with nothing and nowhere to go can this get any worse?

"Are you okay?" asked the man and I nodded

"yes, I'll empty the house by tonight" I said

"I'm really sorry young lady if I could've done anything I would" he said then took off and as soon as they walked out I collapsed on the floor I can't take this anymore I really can't

After I stayed on the floor for one hour I stood up and went to pack what I can, I directly went to mom's room and took the stuff that were on the box and put them on a bag with the farm picture then I went to my room and packed another bag I put in it all of my cloths and the stuff that I need by the time I finished it was 5pm so I still had a little time to spend at my house I went to the living room and sat at the sofa and turned on the TV I changed the channels but nothing interesting was playing so I went back to my room and laid in my bed this would be the last time I lay here I closed my eyes and suddenly sleep took over me

I was woken up by the doorbell ringing just like this morning I took a look at my phone and it was 9pm wow I slept all this time, it must be the bank guys they came to take the keys of the house I took my bags and the house keys then I took one last glance at my room then went to my mom's room and said goodbye to my childhood house . now I lost it all and before I'll walk out of this house I promised myself not to cry anymore

I went downstairs and opened the door and the two menwere there indeed

"here's the keys" I said as I handed them the keys he just nodded and smiled I took my bags and started walking down the street I stopped and took one last look at my house then continued, now my plan is to sneak in school and put my bags on my locker assuming it's a rich kids school the lockers were as big as my closet, I managed to get in I put my bags and then I took a red dress that I had and put in on I applied some make up then I wore my black high heels and walked out of school, I decided to go to the club and get drunk assuming I have nothing left to lose

Blake's POV:

"Let's go get drunk!!!" yelled Daniel, well I won the race and now Daniel is pushing us (as in me and Alex) to go to the club and I'm in no mood to drink but I agreed anyways or else he won't shut his mouth

I met him on a bus (bad boy story)Where stories live. Discover now