Chapter 4:

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Hailey's POV:

I ran from Blake's apartment to the café I was already late, it was really fun spending time with him even though I was quiet most of the time but I didn't want to get used to him I mean after all everyone I loved has left me so I don't want to get attached to him.

I finally reached the café after a long run

"Hey Martha I'm so sorry I was busy" I said out of breath

"oh it's alright honey take a seat you're going to faint" she said and I did, then she got me a cup of water

"Thank you, I better start working the place is getting crowded" I said and went behind the counter and asked the costumer for their order

"Hello" a voice said I looked up and was met with this gorgeous guy a perfect jaw line messy hair and perfect smile but not as hot as Blake! Ah why am I thinking about him

"Hi, what can I get you?" I asked him

"No, actually I'm not here for the coffee" he said with a wink and I blushed

"Then what are you here for?" I asked

"Oh love I totally forget that you were passing by" Martha said hugging the guy

"it's fine Grams looks like you're busy I told you not to tire yourself" the guy said ah so he came for Martha

"Hailey this is my grandson Julian" she said to me and I nodded to him with a smile

"and Julian this Hailey my beloved worker she's working here for about 2 years now and I've never asked for anyone better" she told him

"well thank you Hailey for helping her it means a lot to me that someone is taking care of her" he said with a slight British accent witch I always found hot

"I'll go take care of that costumer you have fun" she said and then walked away Julian took a seat and looked at me

"Why are you looking at me?" I found myself asking

"because you're beautiful and I enjoy looking at beautiful people" he replied with a smirk

"Ouh quoting Augusts water aren't you, well did that help you get girls?" I asked

"yeah, usually but I know it won't help me get you" he said and then laughed

"very entertaining you are mister" I said faking a British accent

"mocking me aren't you?" he asked with the same accent but his was better and real

"No I actually always loved British accent" I replied making a cup of green tea

"well I lived in London with my parents but I came here last week to stay with my Grams because she's getting old and she need someone to take care of her, and I transferred to a school here too" he said and i put the cup of tea next to him and then he looked at me

"really?" he said in sarcastic voice

"what?" I replied confused

"just because I'm British you served me a cup of tea is that racism or something?" He asked

"why don't you love tea?" I asked him

"yes I do but-" he started but I cut him off

"then drink it and shut up" I replied and went to see what the girl wanted and he just smiled and took a sip of his tea and I smiled at him

Julian stayed until we closed the café and helped us clean and close

"Grams if you don't mind I'll walk Hailey to her house it's getting late" he asked Martha assuming she lived above the café she doesn't have to walk at all

"of course dear it's getting late make sure she get home safe" she replied

"no, really no need to I'm used to walking" I tried to convince him but it didn't work

We started walking down the street and I took a deep breath

"don't you just love taking a walk at night?" Julian asked beside me

"I really do the air is so fresh and it feels so amazing" I replied

"yeah walking in the dark night seeing the lights and looking at the sky full of stars" he stated as we reached my porch

"cause you're a sky you're a sky full of stars" I sang in a sweet low voice only for him to hear

"beautiful voice, have you ever think of going to a talent show or something?" he asked standing in front of my front door and I laughed

"what's so funny?" he asked with a raised eyebrow

"actually I study in an art school now and I'm going to sing at the talent show with a partner actually that has a terrible voice" I answered and a smile came to my face as I remember Blake's voice and moves while he played the guitar It was the first time I laughed since a long time ago

"oh lord, hope you make it, just make him fix his voice work with him and help him" he said and I smile and nodded

"Hailey may I have a cup of water please?" he asked

"sure" I replied and got in to get him I didn't ask him if he liked to come in because I barely knew him even though he's such a nice person I can't trust him I heard a voice in the living room and went to check but no one was there I must of being imagining then I went back to the kitchen and bought him the cup of water and he was sitting outside in the front porch I handed him the cup and took a seat next to him

"Thank you" he said and I smiled at him we sat in silence looking at the beautiful sky

"so are your parents gone on a trip or something? The house looks empty" he asked

"em...Well my mom is dead, she died when I was 13" I said and lowered my head to hold in the tears and his hand went to my back he rubbed it in a comforting way

"Sorry I didn't know that" he said his voice apologetic

"it's fine, really" I assured him

"well my real parents died when I was 8 and my parents had no relatives so I ended up in an Orphanage and then those couple came and took me in i consider them as my parents, they loved me and cared for me as their real child even grams did" he spoke from next to me and I looked at him

"looks like we share tragedy Hails dear" he added with a smile I'm sure he used it to hide his pain I know because I use it all the time

"looks like it Jul" I replied

"Jul nice I liked it" he said and stood up "well I have to go back grams will be waiting for me now for dinner see you tomorrow?" he asked

"yes, sure" I replied

"well give me your number and I'll give you mine so we can stay in contact" he said and we exchanged numbers

"Goodbye" he waved and started walking down the street and I went inside, turned the lights on I went to the kitchen but there was nothing to eat and I didn't get my salary yet and what I had dad took it when he left but when I do get paid I sure as hell need to go grocery shopping, I just drank a cup of water and went to my room but this time I had no homework to do because I had no scholarship to keep now I don't even know what to do with my life I mean if I didn't win I'm sure as hell gonna end up dead, I throw myself at my bed and looked at the farm picture on my night stand it was taken on my 6th birthday I had cake on my face mom was laughing and dad was holing me and we were looking at the camera I took the farm picture and hugged it

"I really miss you mom I wish you were here nothing has being the same since the day you died" I whispered and cried myself to sleep

I met him on a bus (bad boy story)Where stories live. Discover now