Chapter 14

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"What?" I couldn't believe it. I can't wait to tell toro! I limped back to the pup den and told Lily the good news.
"That's great! I so happy for you!" She said excitedly, "Are you thinking of any names?"
"Well, now that you mention it, maybe Feather, Jay, Holly, or perhaps Bracken."
" Those are beautiful names." She said.
I walked over to where Amber and Shadow were sharing some prey, probably just finished training. I wanted to sit and talk to them since there hasn't been much time to after they were apprenticed.
"Luna, come join us!" They called in unison. I sat down next to them and chatted away.
" Me and Amber are doing really well, Fire says that I've caught up to the other apprentices." Shadow said happily. She had once been Whites apprentice, but she found the right path in becoming a regular wolf.
"That's very good news." I said linking her forehead. Shadow and Amber have also grown much in size, and now the both stood with their heads at my shoulder. As the sun set I said goodbye and snuck out of camp. I limped to the border and saw Toro, bathing in the moonlight.
"Toro!" I woofed happily. I embraced him and licked his shoulder.
"Luna I missed you so much, I thought of you all day." He looked down at me.
" I missed you too, and I have great news," I said, glancing at my stomach,"I'm with pups!"
"Oh Luna that's amazing," he paused,"... Are you sure you're alright walking all the way here. Maybe I should meet you closer the camp? Would you like me to walk you home?"
" I don't think that's a good idea, my pack leader isn't to friendly with lone wolves." I said, thinking of what would happen to toro if my pack leader found him inside the border. Me and Toro talked until moonhigh, when I had to go. He licked my forehead and told me to be careful. When I arrived back to camp, Titan was looking up at the stars. I limped up to him and sat down.
" What are you thinking about?" I asked quietly.
"My mate, Holly. She was as beautiful as the sky and water and the flowers dancing in the trees. I sometimes look up at the stars and look for her among them, for when a wolf or dog joins the sky pack they too become a star." He howled at the moon and I joined in. Eventually we both parted and went to our went back to our dens. As I drifted of to sleep I couldn't help but think about my unborn pups, hoping they would be like Holly with the bravery of Stone and Thunder and the kind hearted compassion of Lily.

OMG this chapter was so short, I'm having a little writers block. Hope u enjoyed !

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