Chapter 5

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When I woke up two wolfs were in the den. They were talking to each other but stopped and looked up when they noticed I was awake. The female was a brownish ginger wolf and the male was completely pitch black with bright indigo eyes. "Hello I'm Squirrel and this is Night. We are the omegas of grey pack." "Luna. The dog of grey pack." I said jokingly. We burst into laughter. "Nice to meet you Luna." said Night. "Nice to meet you too." I said. Lily poked her head into the den " Come with me " she said. I followed her out of the den. " I'm going to introduce you to everyone" she said excitedly. I followed her to the alpha male that growled at me yesterday. "This is stone alpha male" "Hello." I said and dipped my head " I apologize for yesterday. I am used to the only alphas eating first" he said bowing his head " its fine" I said then walked away after Lily." This is my dad" she said standing next to the dark grey pack leader. "My name is Titan." he said. I dipped my head then followed after Lily. She took me to another cave. "Hello. My name is creek. These are my pups star, leaf, and runt." Said a light grey wolf sitting next to lily. She pointed to a dark gray wolf ( it's whole face is dark grey) with a white star shape on its forehead, then a grey wolf with ginger tipped fur, and lastly a small brown wolf."I'm Luna." I said then bowed my head and followed lily to two wolfs. "Luna these is cliff and snow." lily introduced "Hi. We are the beta wolfs of grey pack." said a beautiful pure white she wolf Who I assumed was snow "Luna Snow and Cliff are my brother and sister from a younger litter." said lily. "Hi. My name is Luna." I said and bowed my head. Lily got up and walked over to 5 young wolves."Luna these are the apprentice wolves. They are in wolf training." said lily when she sat down next to them. 3 Females and 2 males."My name is raven." said a little pitch black she wolf." I'm river." said a shining silver she wolf. "My name is willow "said an almost white grey female. "I'm half." said a grey male wolf with half is face grey the other half black."And I'm bear." said a brown male wolf. "My name is Luna." I said. They bowed their heads and walked of. "the rest of the wolf are hunting. You want to go explore the territory?" asked Lily. " Sure "I replied and we walked out into the forest.

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