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Multiverse: Destructive Blur
Book: A journal of Adventures
Sort of short: Past

,,I aM wHaT now?!" Screeched Error shocked.
Life nodded. ,,Pregnant."
She repeated herself.
,,BUt- bUt How?!" Asked the glitch.
The goddess stared at him.
,,I think you know how." She said.
Error looked down at himself.
,,BUt- bUt I aM deStrUcTiOn! He iS dEatH! HOw is tHiS PoSsiBlE? How caN ANYTHING sUrViVe tHe pURe aUrA oF oURs?!" Life shrugged.
,,I don't know. But appearantly it is possible."
Error shuddered, fear struck him.
,,thAts nOT gOoD... tHaTs nOT gOoD at alL."
A silent tear flowed down his face, followed by others.
,,t-ThE MUltIvErSe... ThEy wIlL kIlL oR At lEAst h-HUrt tHEm. ThEy dOn'T dEsErVe bEiNg bOrN iN a lIFe lIKe tHIs... ThEy wIlL hAtE aNd hUrT tHem jUSt BecAuSe tHey aRe My aNd REapS' cHIld..."
The tears came faster.
,,I dOn'T wAnT tHem tO lIVe lIkE tHis..."
Life sighed sadly and hugged her friend.
,,I know... I'm sorry..."
She said in a calming tone, rubbing the back of the god of destruction.

171 Words

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