Drunk as hell

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I am doing this right now. Geno won't be happy.
@LunarFlower693, you gave me idea and now you can read it-

What if Error would've drunk the drink Blue offered to him in ,Error in ,hell''?

Multiverse: Error in hell
Book: A journal of Adventures

,,Heya Error!" Greeted Blue happily.
,,Do you want to drink something?"
Error nodded smiling.
,,Y-yeAh... thAt wOulD bE nIcE, tHaNk YoU" Smiling gave Blue Error a cup and Error drank it, a bit dripping out of his mouth, considering he hadn't drunk in so long.
Error sticked out his tongues with an disgusted look in his face. ,,tHaT tAstEs wEiRd..." He said.
Blue just smiled. ,,Really?" He asked innocently.
Error nodded.
,,YeAh... bUT mAyBe tHaT'S BecAUsE i hAvEn'T dRuNk aNyThIng iN sUch a LonG tIMe..."
,,Maybe!" Said Blue, still smiling.
Suddenly a wave of dizziness overcame Error.
He let the cup fall to the ground and groaned.
He murmured, falling more and more in the dizzy state.
,,Golly! You don't seem to good! Maybe you should drink something again!"
He heard Blue say.
He was way to dizzy to think about that this feeling could come from the drink, so he nodded.

Geno expected much on this party.
But he didn't expect Error stumbling hiccuping to him and hug him.
Reaper looked at Geno, then to the drunken destroyer.
,,Oh my~ How much did he drink?"
The god said. Geno's eye flared Red and blue up.
,,I don't want to know." He growled.
Error tugged him at his arm.
,,GeeeEeEnOooO... 'm *hic* nOt fEeLiNg wEeEEll... *hic*"
Slurred Error drunken.
Geno sighed and kneeled down to Error.
,,How much did you drink?'' He questioned.
,,DRinK? *hic* BlUe *hic* gaVe me SomEtHiNg tO dRink, whY?" The Sans sighed, his eye shortly flaring up again.
,,Kiddo, you're drunk." ,,Dru-unk?"
Asked Error and looked dizzy to Geno up.
His cheeks were in a bright yellow.
The Sans sighed and carried Error up.
,,Let's go home, shall we?"
He said and the completly confused Reaper opened a portal after he got a look from Geno.
,,Blue can count himself as lucky that I need to take care of a drunken child..."
Growled Geno darkly before stepping through the portal.

When Error awoke the next morning, the first thing he felt was pain.
He had a massive headache, but didn't know why.
It felt like Broomie got smacked at his head.
The kid whimpered and shook in shock when a pair of arms took him into a hug.
He locked up at Geno. ,,GeNO?"
He said confused.
Then he whimpered again.
,,GenO... My HeaD HuRts..." He whispered.
The Sans stroke Error's head.
,,Shhhh... I know... I am sorry..."
He said and smiled at the glitch.

458 Words

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