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Multiverse: Bad endings can lead to good things
Book: A journal of Adventures
Sort of short: What if Error wouldn't have entered MommaCQ #1 in the heat of a fight against Ink, but to destroy it?

TW: Error unalives people.

Error entered the next AU.
He looked carefully around.
Appearantly, this was a surface AU, as he was in the middle of a street.
People stared at him like he was some sort of alien, Error couldn't blame them for it - he just stepped through a portal and the condition of his bones was horrible. Also, he was the destroyer of worlds.

An insane smile formed in the face of the destroyer, as his azure blue strings spread around in the sky, grabbing SOULS of people outside and then crushing them in a quick pull.
Error hummed shortly, feeling his LV raise. ,How many people did I just kill?!'
Error questioned himself, with his high LV it shouldn't raise this easily. 
In the end, it didn't matter.
Less painful deaths!

Error checked the code of how many he had to kill. ,,...382..." Murmured Error.
There were many people in this AU.
Sighing began the destroyer his work, trying not to hear the screams, pleas and crying of the inhabitants.

The last few SOULS.
Error felt them all collected in a weirdly familiar house.
It was a relief and a curse at the same time.
A relief, because he had his work done soon.
And a curse, because it was most likely a family and Error hated it to kill families.

Error kicked the door of the house in.
The SOULS pulsed in fear.
The god chuckled in a slight insane facade.
,,cOmE oUt, cOMe oUT wHeReeVER yOU aRe~"
He called. Of course, he found them.
Way to familiar people staring at him in fear and shock.
He stiffened and stared back.
,,wHaT tHe..." He murmured.
,,oKaY, [FUNK] yOu, fATe."

The god scratched his skull, staring at six persons looking at him.
His scratching became more intense, as the destroyer didn't know what to do.


A voice screamed in his mind.

,Yeah! Like you already did, you murderer! And this six are the only ones left! You know what that means? You killed the best friends of alternate versions of your brothers and their families! And aunt Comyet!'

,Oh my god! Here we see again: Error, the monster! Error the murderer! Error, the one who killed his own family! Twice! Hahaha!'

The voices got more intense and Error shook his head, trying to get rid of them. It didn't really help.
The young god groaned and send his strings out, they warping around the six SOULS.
He was ready to yank his strings and shatter the SOULS of them, but he couldn't. His mind told him not to.

Error made a quick decision. 
This AU didn't have a Frisk and they were the last survivors.
He couldn't leave them in a dead world.
So, the black skeleton crushed the code of the AU and pulled the six into the Anti-VOID.

Murmured the destroyer, looking at the six.
Yep, perfect duplicates of him, Geno, Fresh, his Momma, Ink and Uncle Asy.
Just younger by a year, maybe.
Well, actually it were hundreds, but physically were they around a year younger than Error, when he... was taken away.
Around this time, his Geno was already dead.

The Ink was the first one to talk, his eyes wandering countinuely around.
Oh right. Ink's Leukophobia.
,,U-uh- M-mr. Killer? Who- Who are you? And where did you take us?"
Error snorted at the ,Mr. Killer'.
He was not the hate-stained skeleton!
But Ink couldn't know that.
,,mY nAmE iS nOt ,Mr. KiLLer', iNk. It'S ErRoR. JuSt ErRor, nO mIStEr Or OthEr wEIrD sTufF. AnD tHiS iS mY HoMe. ThE Anti-VOID.  THe pLaCe tHat dRiVeS eVerYoNE iNsAnE... I tHInK iT'S A ToRtURe tHiNg bY hUmaNs? ThE... wHItE-rOoM-tOrtUrE Or SoMetHiNg lIKe thAt? I dUnnO. AnYwAYs, gET cOMfoRtAbLe bEcAuSe yOUr wOrlD iS nON-ExIsTent aNd I cAn'T Let yOu rOAM aRouNd iN tHe mUlTiVErSe. ThEy WoUlD dEfInItElY kILl yOu, bECaUse oF mEntAllY mOstLy hEAlThY Me."

They all stared at Error.
He didn't care and just dismissed his strings, walking to his beanbag in the near.
The god sat himself in it and turned Undernovela on, getting focused real fast.

After a while, something tugged on Error. 
He jerked up and stared at the Kid!Fresh, who stared back.
,,Brah. 'S totes boring in ya crib. Can I watch with ya?"
The god stared at the young skeleton and then just made more space, Fresh sitting besides him. ,,Thx a lot, brah!"
,,sHhhH! AsGoRO is iN a FiGht aGainsT sIn!" Hissed Error.
Fresh just chuckled and watched with Error.

He then watched how the destroyer got angry in Spanish, when Asgoro lost.
(Warning to everyone who can speak Spanish: I can't, so I used google translate. And we all know how Google translate is sometimes.)
,,¡EsTo eS lO pEoR! ¡AsGoRO dEbERía haBEr GaNaDo! ¡Se lO MerEcÍa, eS eL MeJor! No Es jUsTo, ¿poR qUé gANó EsTa aBOMinAcióN iNútiL SiN?"
Error huffed and crossed angrily his arms.

,,Ya... can speak Spanish?" Fresh questioned.
Error shrugged.  ,,...a bIT."
He murmured. He then looked around.
,,wHerE aRe THe oThErS? THe Anti-VOID iS dAnGerOUS, esPEcIalLy iF yOu dOn'T livE hEre. It'S lItErAllY eNdLeSs, I sHoUlD kNoW..."
The young god saw the other five sitting together, appearantly discussing something. ,,aH."
He said and turned back to his portal.

It's been a few hours, maybe and Error tried to entertain the other six somehow.
Fresh was easy to entertain, he didn't seem to have anything against Error, even if Error just killed almost everyone he knew and.... yeah.
The other didn't trust Error the slightest. Not that he blamed them.
Asy and CQ tried their best to hold the kids away from Error.

The young god stared to the ground.
,,UHm... uHh... yOu nEeD fOOd, rIgHt? THe sTuFf yOu pUt in yOuR mOuThS?" Fresh raised an eye brow.
,,Ya sound like ya never ate before."
He stated. Error shook his head.
,,oH, i dId. It'S jUSt... bEeN A wHiLe."

Error couldn't do anything else, because he felt a presence behind him.
,,Hey Error~" The god gulped.
He didn't like this tone.
,,Care to elaborate what that is?"
The destroyer turned around, forcing a smile on his face.
,,N-niGhtmAre! AHahA- hOw... UNeXPecTed fOr yOu tO cOme!"
The guardian crossed his arms.

,,wElL, yOU seE-"
Error was interrupted by a coughing fit emitting from his body.
The destroyer cleared his throat.
,,wElL, yOu sEe... I wAs DeTrOyIng aGaIn aNd... Uhm... i-"
,,You couldn't kill them, am I right?"
The god nodded slowly.
,,y-yEAh... aNd The wOrLd wAs aLrEaDy DesTroYEd aNd ThIs AU doEsN'T HavE a fRIsk EQuIVaLenT, sO nO RESETs..."
,,So you decided it would be okay to kidnap people?" ,,i-I... YeAh."

Nightmare sighed and rubbed with his palm his forehead.
,,Alright. I guess... I have a place for them." ,,O-Oh..." Answered Error.
The guardian sighed and rubbed Error's head.
,,Come on, the offer with the adopting is sti- ... Error, you have a fever! Oh god, how long do you already have it? This isn't good. You need to get rest."
Error huffed annoyed.
,,iT'S JusT A FEVEr! Don'T eXaGgErAtE tHiNgs!"

The guardian growled. ,,To bed. Now."
He hissed.
Sighing followed Error Nightmare's orders.

In this Multiverse, Error got his chicken soup! ... And he didn't have it for long.
Also, the others could live in Nightmare's kingdom, Error being the new prince, of course.

Now the Author is considering to write about what Prince Error so experienced. The prince Error from the original story. Eh, I'll put it to my other two short ideas.
But sleep first.
It's late where I live, I should sleep-
Oh well.

1316 Words.
My shorts slowly turning into mini-Oneshots.

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