Grandpa... a bit to early

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Multiverse: Childmind/Manipulated Error
Book: Growing Up
Sort of short: Something that came randomly in my mind, is to short for a ,What-If?'-Version and will definitely never happen. Well, technically it could, but no. And adoption. No pedophile here, don't worry.

,,dAd! DAd!"
Error called, running to his father, Blue.
He hold something protectively in his hands.
Blue looked down at his son, Error staring with big eyes up at him.
,,What is it, starlight?"
Blue asked, a smile on his face.

Error hold his hands out, on them a small, wounded and shivering Error-Bitty in his hands.
,,I fOuNd thIs! CAn I KeEp iT? PlEaAaSe?" Blue sighed.
,,Error, I don't think we can take care of a bitty, especially one that seems to be abused. But we need to help it, that's for sure." He said.
Error looked sadly at the Bitty and nodded then.
,,oK... But yES! WE nEEd tO hELp iT!" 

Blue went for the first-aid-kit, looking at the poor Bitty.
The small thing had scars and wounds everywhere and a few broken bones.
The skeleton with the blue bandana shook his head.
Who could've done this to a defenseless bitty?
It took a few hours to take care of the wounds of the bitty, as Blue was extra careful to treat it's wounds and the bitty wouldn't take the healing magic, rejecting it in it's unconsciousness.

Error had made a mini bed for the bitty, putting in it and watching the bitty, for any signs to wake up.
He would never tell anyone that Blue's chocolate-chips-cookies distracted him for good half an hour.

Error was very exited, when the bitty awoke.
The bitty stared a long time up at him... and screamed.
,,Don't hurt me! Please, please, I'm begging you! Don't hurt me!"
Yelled the small bitty with a squeaky voice.

Error looked confused at the bitty.
,,wHy wOuLd i hUrT yOu? MY NamE iS ErRor, By tHe wAy! I fOUnd yOu hUrT! So I BrOUght yOu tO dAd! He HeLPed mE tAkE CarE oF yOu."
The bitty looked up at the mentally young destroyer.
,,Help... me? Why would anyone help me?" ,,bECaUse yoU wErE HurT!"
Error said in a childish optimism.

,,Oh... Y-you said your name is E-error? Is there an Ink too?"
The bitty questioned.
Blue, who came into the room after hearing yelling answered:
,,This is a weirdly specific question. But yes. There is. He is in prison at the moment."
The bitty blinked confused, after his shock from Blue just appearing.
,,Why would anyone bring the oh-so-great creator in prison?"
Error thought for a bit.
,,I tHiNk iT wAs BeCaUse ChILd AbUsE? At LeAsT hE dOesN't hUrt Me AnYMOre!"
Blue sat himself next to Error on the couch, suspiciously eying the bitty.

,,...So... he is in prison because he hurt you? If you said it was because child abuse and that he hurt you..." Error nodded. ,,yEP!"
Blue looked at the bitty.
,,Say... what's your name?"
He asked. The bitty flinched.
,,O-Oh. It's... Erratum."
He answered.
,,tHat'S a nIcE NamE!"
Commented Error happily.

Blue nodded agreeing. ,,It is."
Error suddenly shuddered, like if it suddenly got very cold.
,,wElP, sEeMs lIKe fReSh NeeDed A nEw hOst. Or An AU gLiTcHed. DuNnO, cAn'T rEaLly tElL. I'Ll Be oN mY wAy." He opened a portal and left.

Blue stared at Erratum.
,,So... ,Erratum'... who are you really?"
Erratum flinched. ,,Was it that easy?"
Blue nodded.
,,Yeah, kinda. I live together with an Error, I know if you're hiding something."
Erratum sighed.
,,Alright. My name is Error. I come from a different Multiverse, I guess? Well, in my Multiverse I was the forced god of destruction. Ink ambushed me with... pretty much everyone in the Multiverse. I fell into the VOID and woke up here as bitty."

Blue blinked. ,,I see." He said.
Then he questioned.
,,Did... Ink force you to destroy?"
Erratum's eyes widened.
,,What?! No! He tried to stop me! It was Fate."
,,Who the Heck is Fate, never heard of that name-"
,,Fate is the Deity, that made me to... Well, Error..." Erratum answered.
Blue coughed. ,,Deities exist?!"
,,In my Multiverses they do."
Erratum answered, shrugging.

Blue and Erratum talked a bit about Erratum for a while, until Error came back.
In the end Blue decided to let Erratum live with them, Stretch having nothing against it.
Where he was the whole time, he wouldn't tell Blue.
But he blushed, so Blue teased his little brother about finding someone he liked.

And Error ended up adopting Erratum fully, somehow.
Erratum just started to call Error ,Mom'.
Poor Blue wasn't ready to be a grandfather, he always protested with how Error was too young for this.
He was right, but it wasn't like Error or Erratum only did this to tease Blue and talked normally with their names to each other when he wasn't there, noooooo- ...
What did Blue even expect from his son, of course he messes with him, he is Blue's son-

843 Words

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