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Multiverse: Statera
Book: A journal of Adventures
Sort if short: Between Part 1 and Part 2

Statera looked at Dream and Nightmare, the cold wind blowing around Dreamtale.
The three had began to build a house near their mother. 
It wasn't even near finished, but they had made process.
Suddenly a white, cold and wet thing flew on Statera's forehead.

Statera blinked.
,,DrEaM! NIgHtmAre! LoOk! ThErE iS snOw falling fRoM tHe sKy!"
He said, as more snowflakes flew from the sky.
Nightmare chuckled.
,,Yeah. It happens always around this time. We call it winter. That is when everything is very cold."
,,Let us go in one of the old houses from the villagers, before it gets worse." Said Dream.
Nightmare nodded and lifted Statera with a tentacle up in the air, carrying him with himself.
While they walked past the tree of their mother, called Dream out where they went.

When the three were in the warmer house having a fire burning in a chimney, looked Statera out of the window. ,,It'S sO bEauTifUl!"
He said, his eyes being stars.
,,It really is." Confirmed Dream.
Statera looked at Dream and Nightmare.
,,Can we play with the snow if it stops? Please?"
Nightmare chuckled. 
,,If you want to, sure. But if it get's to cold, we go in again. We don't want you to be sick, do we?"
Statera smiled, already planning things. ,,Nope!"
He said in a happy tone.

230 Words

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