Don't you recognise me?

190 7 30

Multiverse: Experiment
Book: A journal of Adventures
Sort of short: What if?

File entered the Anti-VOID, his SOUL pulsing in excitement, as he looked around. 
Then he saw him. ,,pApA gENo!"
He yelled happy.
Said Sans didn't respond.
,Maybe he didn't hear me!'
Concluded File and ran up to Geno.
,,pApA! PApA!"
Cheered the small skeleton and ran around Geno, looking in his eyes.
Geno just stared at him, unmoving.
His eyelights were there, but they didn't seem to see.
File's father just sat there, with a blank look in his eyes, not recognising his own son.

File felt his SOUL began racing, panicking pushed he Geno, shacking him as good as a tired, hurt, six-year-old child could.
,,PapA? PApA gEnO! HeLlO? PApA!"
Geno still didn't respond.
File felt, how tears were running down his cheeks in his panic.
,,pApA? It'S mE! FiLe! DOn't yOu reCognIse mE? InK tOok mE aWaY tHreE or twO aNd a hAlf? YEaRs agO! I sEaRcHed hAlF a YeAr foR yOu anD PapA rEapEr!"
No response from the Aftertale!Sans.

,Nighty! Nighty will help!'
Thought File and opened a glitchy portal.
It took him minutes to pull Geno
through the portal, as Geno was way more heavy than him and File was really tired.

,,nIghTy!" File called.
,,nIghTy, thErE iS SOmeThInG wroNG!"
It didn't take long for Nightmare to teleport to the small skeleton.
,,File?! What's wrong? Who is that?"
File looked up at the goopy skeleton with teary eyes.
,,i-I fOuNd mY hOmE aNd pApA gEnO! B-b-BuT soMethiNg Is wRoNg! PaPa dOeSn'T mOVe oR ResPoNd tO AnYthInG!" The child shook violently.
A tentacle caressed on File's head.
,,Calm down, File, Okay? I look what's wrong with Geno, okay? You go sleep, you need it."

File sniffed. ,,b-BuT pApA..."
He tried to argue.
Nightmare looked at him with a stern face.
,,File Afterdeath, go to sleep. I will take care of your Papa, but everything you can do now is go to sleep. *sigh* I'm sorry... But really, File, there is nothing more important right now than you going to sleep."
File nodded obeying and went slowly to his room, often looking back to Nightmare and Geno.

Sighing carried Nightmare Geno with his tentacles up and brought him to the living room, the boys looking at him.
Of course, the eavesdropped at Nightmare's and File's conversation.
The king looked at the eternally bleeding skeleton.
He noticed, how Geno's eyes laid on him.

Nightmare tilted his head to the side.
,,Do you recognise me?"
He asked. No response.
Nightmare sighed and tried to feel Geno's emotions. A weird, unrecognisable chaos.
The octopus groaned.
,,How am I going to explain File this?"
Nightmare poked Geno. Nothing.
No matter what the king tried, the bleeding Sans didn't respond.

Gently shook Nightmare Geno's shoulder, nothing.
He then checked if Geno was breathing.
Yes, they were skeletons, breathing was unnecessary, but they did it anyways.
And Geno breathed.
The king moved Geno to his side and tilted his head back, so if he was bleeding or vomiting, it would drain out and so that his airway was open.
Nightmare wished, he could seek a doctor, but this was impossible for him.

It seemed like Geno was conscious, but couldn't respond.
Nightmare got more and more stressed, he searched in his books and then went back to Geno.
,,Gah! It's like you have some sort of Locked-In-Syndrome! But you're a skeleton, you don't have muscles or anything! Or an Unresponsive Wakefulness Syndrome, but you seem like you didn't hurt yourself, much less on your head! Like: What's wrong with you? Can you heal from it? What do you have? How long were you like this? Where is Reaper? God- And what should I say to the kid? ,Oh, hey File, the person you searched for half an year seems like they can't respond and I have no idea if they can ever respond again'? That would be just cruel. I mean yeah, I am the one person who causes negativity in the Multiverse, but I am not a jerk."

Let's say, File didn't took the information so well.
Yes, of course he was there.
What kind of child would listen if someone would tell the to ,go to sleep' but there was something worrisome or exciting happening?
The small skeleton just teared up and clawed himself onto Geno.
The eyes of the Sans just stared down, still the blank look, but Nightmare felt the messed up feelings of guilt, sadness and the will to comfort in the Sans.


The child sat next to Geno on the couch, cuddling onto him.
Geno still couldn't move or respond.
File fiddled with his striped shirt.
,,pApA? Do yOu rEmEmbEr My fIrSt bIrtHdAy? It wAs GreAt! YoU anD pApA rEapEr mAdE mE a cHocOLaTe cAKe! AnD... aNd we ViSiTEd auNt lIfE fOr thE fIRSt tIMe! THerE wErE sO mAnY pLanTs aNs aNimAls! AnD tHen wAs aUnT lIFe anGrY wItH yoU, BeCaUse I dIdN'T cAlL yOu dAd oR PaPas! AnD tHen we weNt hOMe and AnD yOu gAvE mE a PrEseNt aNd iT wAs a DrAwIng bOoK! ThAt wAs nICE. WhEn nIghTy fOuNd oUt, tHat iT waS mY seVEnTh bIrtHday, hE gAvE mE tHiS sCarF.  I lIkE tHe sCaRf! I lOoK VeRy gReAt wiTh iT!"
The child could've sworn, he saw his father smile for a short while.

☆Timeskip ×2☆

,,DaD? ArE yOu sUre yOu'Re oKaY?"
Asked 14-year-old File.
Geno nodded slowly.
,,Y-y-yea-ah. I-I'm f-f-f-fine."
File  looked worried at his father, who was walking trembling with a walking stick.
Geno still didn't recover fully, but that was probably the farthest he could even recover.
The bleeding Sans was now stuttering while speaking and could move only very slow.
File didn't left his side, as he didn't want Geno to hurt himself in anyway and then be helpless.

Geno's first ability to regain was the ability to speak.
Him and File spoke very much with each other.
Under all these things, little File back then asked where Papa Reaper was.
His father's only response was:
,He was searching for you. ... Now is he in a better place.'
It took File a few years to understand the words.

File looked at his father and smiled.
,,...I LoVe yOu, DaD."
He then said shortly.
Geno stared at File and smiled then.
,,I-I l-lov-ve yo-ou t-t-too."

1080 Words.
So, a mini Oneshot?

Also, why do I have the feeling that the end is way to kitschy-

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