Apple Crack

181 7 42

Multiverse: I think you can call it crack-
Book: //
Sort of short: Just fun

,,Brother! Look!"
Yelled Nightmare and pointed at an apple tree, while the good and bad Sanses were fighting.
Dream gasped.
,,Mom!" He said.
The two guardians ran to the tree and hugged it.

,,...There is no word in the human and skeleton language, that can describe my disappointment."
Said Blue blunt, Killer looking at him.
,,Le gaspu! You can't insult Sempai like that!"
Blue looked confused at Killer.
,,Who?" He questioned.
Killer seems confused too.
,,I have literally no idea why I said that."
He answered.
Blue just shrugged.

Dream and Nightmare were petting and hugging the tree.
,,Mom! Siblings!" Dream cheered.
Dust looked at Ink.
,,Should we... do something?"
He asked.
Ink shook his head.
,,Nah. This is funny!"

130 Words of pure ... I have no idea what I just wrote. Take it as a joke.

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