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Multiverse: Error in ,hell'
Book: A journal of Adventures
Sort of short: Possible Future, but it's not set.

And I say it again: This is nothing like the school in the USA or other countries.  It's a mix out of what I know and my imagination of what could be better or would be ok. ... Does that even matter if I don't really send Error to school in this short-

Three years.
Three years after Goth' Birth went by.
Error was now a 'fourteen' year old, still going together with Fresh to school.
He was in the 5th grade, meaning that he was already on a new school.
Geno was two grades over them, despite being four years older than Error.
But his sickness and Error's kidnapping made that he couldn't attend in school until a certain year.

Error still lived with Geno, Reaper and his little brother Goth.
The godling was really attached to the young toddler.
He loved to hang out with his little sibling and take him through peaceful AU's.
In Geno's or Reaper's accompaniment, of course.

Right now, Error was sitting in his room, playing a video game.
,,Bwo! Bwo!"
The godling heard the voice of his little brother.
Error smiled and set the console down, looking at the door, as Goth came in.
The child waddled to Error, hugging him.
Slightly laughing hugged the godling back.

,,Ruru! Cawn we go in worlds again! Pwease?"
Goth begged, his one eyelight staring up at the black skeleton.
Error laughed.
,,If PApA aNd DaD HaVe nOthINg AgAinSt iT, suRe!"
He said, patting the child's head.

Goth smiled brightly. ,,Yay!"
He cheered happily and pulled on Error's arm. ,,Come on! Come on!"
The kid said, excited to ask his parents.
The glitching godling laughed and stood up, carrying Goth up into his arms and went out of his room.

,,pApA? CaN gOtH aNd I gO tHrOuGh AU's?"
Error asked Geno, coming into the living room.
Said skeleton chuckled and looked at the two kids.
,,Sure! But take Reaper with you, yes? I don't think I want to repeat what the last time happened."

Geno shuddered, thinking about the one AU they accidentally went to.
This AU pretty much freaked out because of Geno's wound.
It took almost a whole day to get them away.

Error nodded. ,,oKaY!"
He said and walked to Reaper, who was in the kitchen drinking coffee.
,,dAD? Do yOu gO wItH Us tHroUgH AU's?" The godling asked.
Reaper smiled.  ,,Sure."
He said with his deep voice.

Goth grinned happily. ,,Yay!"
The kid cheered and cuddled onto his brother.
Said black skeleton chuckled slightly.

The trio went through a portal, of course not without saying goodbye to Geno.
Error smiled at his little brother.
,,I'm GonNa sHoW yOu mY sChoOL!"
He announced.
Goth clapped happily.  ,,Yay! Scul! Scul!"
He called.

The black skeleton chuckled slightly and went through the town of his Scool-AU. Or just his old home.
Reaper walked next to Error, careful not to touch anyone.
Goth was really excited, looking around and getting distracted very easily.

The black skeleton just looked at his brother with a content smile.
After a while, they stood in front of Error's school.
,,tHiS iS mY sChoOl, gOtHy."
The glitching skeleton announced.
Goth looked with big eyes at the building. ,,Wooow..." He said.

The kid looked at it excited, his one white eyelight sparking with childish wonder.
,,Error...? What a... coincidence to see you here..." A familiar voice called.
Error turned around.
,,oH HeY gEnO aNd fReSh!"
The blackboned skeleton greeted.
He looked at the woman, that was with his brother-friends.
,,aNd... wHoEvEr yOu ArE."

,,Ru! Ruru!"
Goth called and clinged onto Error. He looked up with an excited smile.
The kid's gaze wandered to Geno and Fresh.
Slowly his expression morphed into confusion. ,,"
Goth asked confused, letting go from Error and wobbled to Geno.

The godling chuckled.
,,NO, nOt pApA, gOtHy."
The child looked to Error, frustration and confusion visible in his face.
,,Nu! Papa! Papa not red...?"
Goth pouted and pointed at Geno.
,,Papa! Dad! This is Papa!"

Reaper sighed, looking at his son.
Error looked at Geno, who was just plain confused.
,,i'M SOrRy 'bOUt tHat."
He said. Geno just stared at him.
,,Why does he call me Papa?"
The godling shrugged.
,,hE... YoU lOoK lIkE hIM."

The other stared at him, his face slowly turning into one of understanding.
He then kneeled down.
,,Hey, uh... Goth, right?"
The child nodded.
,,Yeah, I am sorry. I am not your Papa. I may look like him, but were completely different persons."
Goth looked at him. ,,Really?"
Said the kid with big eyes.
Geno nodded. Goth sighed. ,,Oki..."
He said, going back to Error.

The child made a grabby motion and Error carried him slightly laughing up.
The skeleton heard suddenly a voice.
Error looked at the other person with Geno and Fresh.
Until now they hadn't said anything, just stared at him in a shock.

Error looked at the person.
It was a human with pink hair.
,,uHm... dO I... kNoW yOu?"
He said confused, not knowing who in the Multiverse that was.
,,Oh! Dats our ma!"
Said Fresh, who hadn't said anything until now.
Error made a small ah-motion.
So, this was his mother?
He imagined her a bit... more skeleton?

The kid looked at the woman.
No words were switched.
Error stared at his wrist.
,,Oh, WeLl loOk aT mY wRiSt! It'S tiMe tO gO!"
He said, opening a portal, not caring if the woman, also known as his mother, saw or not.

Quickly went Error through dragging Reaper and carrying Goth with him.
Reaper looked at the black skeleton.
,,What was that for?"
He asked with a raised eyebrow.
Error stared at him blankly.
,,tHaT wAs mY mOtHer."
Reaper stared at him.
,,Your MOTHER? Like, your real mother?" Error nodded.

,,I jUst- I dOn'T tHiNk i Am rEadY tO mEeT hEr."
The god explained and looked at his confused brother.
,,That means... the other... were your brothers?" Error nodded.
,,...Wow..." Error nodded again.

Fun fact: Error from this Multiverse is hypersensitive. This is a Personality trait, I think? It is characterized by a more intense perception of stimulation. If it's now negative or positive is another question and depends on the situation.
Also, It's not always there- Like one day you can endure loud noises and then one day you suddenly get headaches by hearing them, get stressed really quickly and stuff- and it won't go away. Ever.
It's... not very nice, honestly-

1096 Words

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