Unscheduled Meeting

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Multiverse: New Chances
Book: A journal of Adventures
Sort of short: Multiversal Meeting

,,Come on, Error. You can do it."
CQ smiled at little Error.
He looked at the bed in front of him, before looking at CQ.
,,And... you won't hurt me? No Ouchies? I can really go on it?"
CQ nodded gently at her newly adopted son.
Error looked at the bed and climbed slowly in it. He looked at CQ.
She just smiled at him.
,,See, wasn't that hard, was it? And no Ouchies." Error nodded slowly.

Geno giggled happily. 
He had sat the whole time silent on his own bed, so that Error wouldn't be disturbed. ,,Yay! You did it!"
He cheered smiling.
The young child jumped from his bed and ran to Error, who flinched.
,,O-ok. And you will not hurt me? No Ouchies?" CQ shook her head.
,,No. No Ouchies." She answered calmly.

A baby crying began echoing through the room. CQ stood slowly up, to not scare Error.
,,It seems like Fresh is hungry. I'll be right back."
The woman said and left with Fresh the room.
Error looked at Geno, who looked back with a smile.
,,Hey Error! Wanna draw with me? I promise it's fun! You know, the good feeling!"

Error blinked. ,,Good feeling? Oki. Good feeling good."
He answered and waddled to Geno, taking carefully a crayon.
He looked at a piece of paper, that Geno gave him.
Slowly began the child to draw.

CQ came back, quietly sitting herself with Fresh down onto Geno's bed, rocking the baby.
She watched the two kids draw.
Error's drawings always were disturbing and filled with monsters.
When CQ went to a specialist because of it, he told her that it could be a way for Error to try and cope with all the trauma he had.

Suddenly, a portal opened.
,,I cAn'T wAiT tO sHOw yOu LItTlE gOThY! He iS sO cUTe! I Am yOU wIlL lOvE hIM! AaAaaaAnD thIs iS nOt rEaPerTaLe.
An older version of Error and Geno stood together with a 90's kid suddenly in the room. ,,wELp." Tall Error said.
,,[SHIZ]. HoW tHe [FUNK] diD wE eNd uP hERe? NoRmALly, My PorTAlS wOrK wIthOut miStaKeS."
,,Error, watch your language."
Tall Geno warned.
,,Yeah, brah! It's totes unrad!"
Tall Error huffed annoyed, before he murmured: ,,...sOrRy."

CQ stared at the three. ,,What the-"
Was the only thing she got out.
Tall Error looked at her. ,,hUh... DEFinitElY nOt oUr AU. WeLp. LeT mE iNtRoDUce MYseLf."
Tall Error bowed a bit.
,,tHe nAMe's eRrOr. GoDlInG oF dEsTrUcTiOn, cODe aNd peAcE. NiCe tO MeeT yOu. ThIs aRe mY brOtHers, GeNO anD FrEsH. WaIt- yOU'Re nOt a SaNs oR pApYRuS, wHy dO i INtRoDUce MYseLf lIke tHIs? I cAn jUsT dO iT lIkE a NorMAl pErSon. WeLp. PAsT iS pASt, cAn'T cHaNge iT AnYwaYs."
,,Alright you're older versions of my sons, Fresh appearantly turns into a 90's kid. Definitely normal. Not weird at all, haha. But how- why- who-"
CQ stuttered.

Tall Error just shrugged.
,,eH. It'S cOmPlIcAtEd. ANd tEcNiCalLy, we'Re nOt oLder vErSiOns, bUt AlTeRnaTiVe vErSiOns oF yOuR soNs, tHat are OlDer. I juSt... gOnNa... cHecK tHe cOde."
Tall Error made something weird appear.
His eyelights wandered, as if he would read the 0's and 1's, that popped up.
Tall Geno and Fresh (appearantly) seemed to wait.
Slowly, Tall Error's expression morphed from curiosity to horror.
,,E-brah? What's wrong?" 90's kid asked.

The weird thing vanished and Tall Error looked at his counterpart and Little Geno. ,,HOly [SHIZ]. FiRSt oFf, I aCcIdentAlly aPpEaerAnTly... teLePoRtEd us to a dIfFeRenT MUlTiVErSe?" ,,You did what."
,,An CQ... iS aPpeAraNtLY nOt oUR mOTHer iN tHIs AU. BioLoGiCAl, aNywaYs. ThIs mULtiVerSe iS nAmEd ,MCQFD1297630N3WC8ANC3543UN10N'. [DUNK] thIs iS A lONg NaMe. On tHe oTHer sIde oUr MULtiVerSe iS cAlLed ,FGODMCQ5820344041N83LL', So mAyBe i sHoUlDn'T cOmPlAin. BuT sErIoUsLy, wHaT kINd oF uNcReAtIve, cHaOtIc bASTarD caMe uP wItH tHiS?"

Tall Error looked at his counterpart and Little Geno again. ,,yOU tWo aRe vERy bRaVe. KeeP iT uP, yEaH? I aM sUre lIFe wIlL gET bETtEr nOw. NO pAiN. YoU'Re sAfE nOw. AnD gENo, yOu hAvE nOw a LiTtLe bRoThEr, wHo cAn Be aLwAyS oN yOuR sIde. BuT dOn'T hASTe hIm, yEaH? THIs wIlL  tAkE iT'S tIMe."
Little Geno nodded and Little Error looked a big at his older counterpart.

Tall Error huffed.
,,WeLp. GOttA gO. DoN'T wAnnA uPseT GeNo aNd rEApEr."
The glitchy godling opened a portal and vanished with his brothers.

,,Wha- But he- Geno was with him? What the- Wut- Who is Reaper- What even is a godling- how did he know-"
Stuttered CQ completely confused.

I wrote this in school.

Also, can you find out which Error New Chances!Error and Co. met? :)

794 Words.

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