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Multiverse: Bad endings can lead to good things
Book: A journal of Adventures
Sort of short: What if? Geno and Fresh never died and Error never got taken away from Fate, because the Multiverse was still ballanced?

Error looked up at Fresh.
Yes, he looked up. Fresh was way taller than he now, as Error had stopped growing when he was around ten.
Weirdly enough, the doctors had found nothing back then, saying that there was nothing that could've stopped his growth.
Error's mentality didn't really mature too, he actually acted often enough like a toddler or even baby, even if the glitching skeleton tried to hide it.

,,fResH? CAn yoU hElLp mE?"
Asked Error, trying desperately to reach for the glasses, he was thirsty.
He absolutely hated it to need to ask for help.
Or that the others thought that he needed to be supervised. He was 24, damnit!
But noooo, appearantly he was still a small, dumb child in the eyes of the others.
The worst thing was that he couldn't find a job, get a driving licence or a place to live, as the people didn't want to ,let others think that they make business with a child/make a child work'.

Fresh smiled slightly. ,,'course, brah!"
He chuckled, giving a glass down to Error.
Murmured Error and taking a bit juice, Fresh bought. Yes, he was living with Fresh.
Geno was living together with his own family and Error didn't want to be a burden for his mom after all these years. So yeah.
He was living with Fresh.

Error drank the juice eagerly, before putting the glass back into the sink.
,,I cAn alWaYs hElP yOu FrEsH, yOu knOw tHaT, rIghT?"
Reminded the small skeleton his brother again.
Fresh grinned at the older one and patted Error on the head.
,,I know, brah! But rly, 'm fine! I can do it by maself." ,,...oKaY..." Murmured Error.

The glitch went to the room, Fresh gave him and entered it. The room had a dark blue tint.
There were not many things to see, only a bed, a wardrobe, a chair with table and paper stuff, a bookshelf and knitting, sewing and crocheting stuff.

Error sighed, as he closed the door and reached under his bed, taking out his old comfort pillow and a plush stabhorse, cuddling both tightly.
He would never let anyone see this.
It would be embarrassing, but Error absolutely loved his plushies and would make then and when toys and plushs with his crocheting, sewing or knitting skills, just to play with them and hide them from Fresh.

After a while, Error grew tired, slowly drifting into sleep. He had a night terror.
Error didn't know what exactly it was, but he felt the fear.
The feeling of needing to defend himself raised in him, and he tried to attack his unknown enemy.
,,....or.... or.... e...or... error... ERROR, WAKE UP! PLEASE!"

Error's eyes snapped open, he was panting heavily.
The eyelights of the skeleton darted around, quickly looking for the unknown danger.
But there was only Fresh.
Error grabbed st the jacket of his brother, still panting heavily.
,,hey, hey 's okies. Ya r here E-brah, whatever rattled ya isn't here. Calm down."
Fresh said with a soothing voice.

Error looked trembling up at his little brother, his eyes wandering around, seeing the damage he had done with red bones sticking out everywhere and burned traces of blasts littering the walls or made a hole in them. ,,i- I aM sOrRy..."
Whimpered the glitch quietly.  Fresh shook his head. ,,Hey, hey, it's okies, lil' broski! It really is. Ya can't control ya magic when ya r sleepin'"
Error nodded slowly, cuddling against Fresh. ,,...'m nOt lIttLe..." He grumbled then.
,,Ya are a very smol glitchy brah."
Fresh countered with a teasing voice.
,,nO! YOU aRe JuSt a gIaNt!"
Error hissed, causing Fresh to laugh.
,,Aiight, brah. Whatever ya say."

The glitch sighed.
,,...I rEAllY aM sOrrY aBoUt tHe dAmAge... I jUsT... I cAn'T... I HavE nO cOnTrOl oVer My mAgIC... iT jUsT bUrsTs..." Fresh chuckled. 
,,I know, brah. Ya had dis since we were kids. It is really okies. 'S ma crib anyways."
Error just nodded.

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