I'm Havin' A Bad Day

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"I want you to make a deal with me," Aaron started, lifting his chin and looking at Emily with uncharacteristically gentle eyes.

Emily tilted her head, flicking her gaze away and back to her boss.

"You're going to go weeks, months even, feeling fine. And then you're gonna have a bad day." A small frown grew on Emily's face as she began to object. Before she could speak, Hotch continued, softening his voice and letting his warm eyes really bore into Emily's. "Just let me know when you do."

Emily's surprise was thinly veiled, "And that's it?"

"That's it."

With a nod of her head, Emily's face relaxed. "Deal."

Emily was sitting stock-still in the pale leather chair of the jet when she heard the sturdy steps of Hotch climb up the stairs before stuttering and shifting to creep gently to the seat across from the dark-haired agent. She could feel his worried gaze on her face but she kept her eyes down, counting the number of lines on the table between them. After a gentle sigh, she looked at Hotch, lips pressed together and tears just so slightly catching behind her eyes. Her chin trembled and her eyebrows angled upward as she tried to steady her voice.

"I–I'm havin' a bad day."

Hotch nodded once before reaching across and patting Emily on her knee.

"Thank you for telling me. We are almost finished up down to the station, do you want to wait here for us? JJ can grab your bag on her way out."

Emily tensely nodded, not able to give more of a response without the dam bursting. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Emily move to the seat in the very back of the jet and curl in on herself. He stepped off of the jet and immediately made a phone call.

"Y/N? How soon can you be at the BAU?"

You sat in your car as it idled in the jet's hangar waiting for the team to taxi back after landing. You had Emily's favorite tea steaming in the cupholder next to you, her favorite blanket curled up on the passenger seat of the SUV, and a playlist you specifically made for her gently pulsing through the speakers. It wasn't long before you saw the nose of the plane announce its entrance. It slowly came to a stop and you jumped out of the car when you saw the door unlatch.

The whole team filed out solemnly, the case obviously wearing on them. Hotch came out last, crossing over to talk with you for a moment.

"I told her that I would let her get her bearings before bringing her back to the BAU. I'm just stalling her so that the team will be in their cars before she sees you in case she breaks down."

You nod at the older man, intimately familiar with Emily's hatred of vulnerability. When you could see movement near the door of the jet, Hotch quickly made his retreat to the team and you stepped closer to the stairs. Emily kept her head down, dark hair obscuring eyes that you knew had to be straining with the effort not to cry.

"Hi, baby."

Your voice startled Emily and you can tell by the way her lips trembled and the glistening of her eyes that you were the exact person she needed in that moment. She quickly descended the rest of the way and flung herself into your arms. You wrapped one arm tightly around her, using the other hand to smooth her hair as she tucked her nose in your neck, breathing deeply. Her shoulders started to shake but you knew that she wouldn't let herself cry while still out in the open.

"Baby, let's go get in the car, okay? I have a nice, warm tea and your blanket waiting for you."

Emily having flashbacks and bad days had not been an uncommon occurrence since her "death" and it wasn't until she returned from Paris back into your arms that she able to find any kind of comfort through them. You felt her nod into your neck and then pull back. Her eyes searched yours and you tucked some dark hair behind her ear before cupping her jaw and rubbing her cheek with your thumb.

Emily Prentiss x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now