All Too Well (part 1)

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As the rain pattered against the window, you sat cross-legged with your knee against the glass of your bay window and dragged a finger through the condensation that had been gathering for the better part of the afternoon. Your mind wandered to London, a town known for its dreary weather and even better known to your friends as the home of the woman who broke your heart. Well, at least she used to call it home.

2 years had passed since the fateful video call where she decided that long-distance wasn't working anymore despite knowing that you were mere months from being able to close the distance, 4 years since she packed up her life and left. Empty promises had been made that if she ever came home, maybe you could try again. You knew as well as you knew the back of your hand that Emily had no intentions of that being true-- she just for some reason had an inability to completely let you go, the last remnant of what her life used to be.

It had taken time but you slowly but surely unraveled the knots Emily had woven around your chest. First, they loosened and then they fell away entirely, the only indication that they had even been there to begin with the slight tickle of the ropes frayed ends from where it rested below your heart. That was until a few months ago when you had dinner with your best friend, Derek, and he asked you if you had gotten to see Emily when she came for a visit.

"What do you mean she came for a visit?" you asked, feeling your jaw clench.

"Princess didn't tell you she was around? I mean, she even stayed an extra couple of days after the case ended to spend time with babygirl and take care of some business," Derek replied, forking another piece of pasta to put into his mouth.

You began rocking Hank's rocker with your foot, using your nervous energy to soothe the fussy baby. Savannah was out for the evening with her girlfriends and you had offered to come help with the colicky baby and spend time with your favorite boys.

"No, she didn't," you said with a sigh, biting your lip as you felt the same hurt creep in your chest that you thought you had vanquished months ago.

Derek noticed immediately your shift in attitude and turned his attention to you, warm eyes boring into your skin.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realize. I guess it didn't even cross my mind that she wouldn't want to see you with the way you left things."

"No, it's okay, Derek," you said, reaching down to put the paci back into Hank's mouth before he started fussing again. You sat quietly for a moment before looking back at your friend who had started poking at his mean again. "Did you know she never called again?"

Your words were vague but Derek knew immediately what you were referencing. His stomach dropped to his knees, guilt wracking his form as he thought about all the times he tried to ask you about Emily and you brushed him off-- he knew he should have pushed harder but being socialized as a man, emotions weren't necessarily something he was adept with dealing with.

"I thought maybe she just needed time, and I did, too. But days turned into weeks into months until it's been nearly 18 and she was literally in the same city as me and still not a single word."

Tears collected in your eyes as you thought about the more-than-half-decade you spent loving Emily, the seven wonderful years that you were hers. You had thought she was the one, the person you were going to marry. Before Doyle, you had gotten a ring, had planned a wonderful evening, and even wrote several drafts of the perfect proposal even though you knew in the moment you would end up just speaking from the heart. But then the phone calls started, the late nights, stilted conversations, and secrets forming like clouds between the two of you until Emily had completely disappeared from your life altogether. And when she had come back, you just couldn't salvage what you had once had despite all of the effort you had put into loving her through it.

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