You Didn't Know?

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The team had caught a case in DC, something that was a rare occurrence. A man was threatening political figureheads but was slow-moving. Emily, Morgan, and Spencer had all gotten pretty cocky with the profile, convinced that they were going to be able to solve the case before anyone else got seriously hurt. Boy, were they wrong.

"Morgan, I just... I can't crack this," Spencer said with his hands on his heads, spinning in the chair at the round table. "There is some aspect of this relationship that just does not make sense."

The stronger man stood up and walked closer to the whiteboard filled with information, scanning the connection between the policymakers that had been targeted and the several people who were murdered in their homes in a Maryland suburb just hours earlier.

Across town, you were preparing a bit of picnic for the team, making sandwiches and salads for everyone to enjoy. You planned to show up and disburse the goods to everyone and then drag Emily away for a few minutes to make sure the girl actually ate the food instead of just shoving it to the corner of her desk to get soggy like she always did when she was stressed.

When you walked up to the BAU with your visitor's pass on, a whole slew of DC police officers were exiting the bullpen and you could see Morgan and Spencer sitting up in the round table room, talking animatedly about something, Hotch and Rossi seemingly missing from the 6th floor and could hear JJ and Penelope chatting away in the hallway to the bat cave. Emily was the only one left sitting at her desk, nose shoved in a case file and her right hand scribbling chicken scratch onto a legal pad.

You walked up behind Emily and put a gentle hand on her back, startling her before she leaned back into your touch.

"Still working yourself to death, I see, Agent."

When you were close enough, Emily sat up straight and leaned back, resting her head on your tummy as you scratched at her scalp. She hummed a little at the feeling of your hand in her hair before opening her eyes and seeing the big basket on your other elbow.

"What do you have there, sweetheart?" Her voice was dripping with anticipation of what would be in the picnic basket she always loved to see.

"Food for my starving superhero and her team of ridiculously attractive coworkers." You pulled out her favorite sandwich and a side salad from the basket and procured her favorite drink from the lunch pail you had packed for yourself. Emily immediately started unwrapping her sandwich as you placed the picnic basket on Spencer's desk and pulled his chair around to join your girlfriend at hers.

After you got yourself situated and started eating at the leftovers from dinner last night, Emily wiped a hand on her napkin before dropping it to your lap, resting her hand on your thigh, fingers occasionally drawing patterns. She sighed a couple of times while you ate together and you wanted to see if you could help with her distress.

"Em, what's on your mind?"

She poked at the last few bites of her salad before she responded.

"There is just something about this that doesn't make any sense. They're targeting liberal policymakers but also targeting very conservative members of the community. We thought at first that it was two separate groups but they fucked up one of the last community murders and left evidence that connects them to the threats on liberal policymakers. Obviously, one side is a diversion from the other, but I can't figure out which side is which."

You just nodded your head, not able to give much insight—criminal psychology wasn't exactly your thing. The only thing you'd be able to contribute are things they had already figured out.

Emily Prentiss x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now