fall leaves and forest trees

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The leaves had been falling nonstop for the past week, oranges, yellows, and reds cluttering the sidewalk as Emily trudged her booths through the foliage on a chilly November morning. The sky was as dark as the day was long, the only sign that night had turned into day was the digital clock in the lobby of Quantico's FBI headquarters that read "Wednesday, November 7th". In one hand was a steaming cup of coffee-- pumpkin and hazelnut flavored-- and in the other she scrolled through her phone with her work bag slung over her shoulder. A text came in from "Penny G 🦄" requesting her immediate presence in the bat cave. Emily snorted, not realizing that Penelope had changed her contact in Emily's phone--again-- into something silly.

"Whatcha need, Pen? I've got a long day of paperwork ahead of me and I assume that you do, too," Emily said as she stepped into the room filled with computer monitors.

Sitting with one leg crossed over the other and awaiting her arrival was Penelope, octopus mug in hand.

"Did you know that it's a certain new agent's birthday in a couple of days?" Penelope asked, taking a sip of what was probably the sugariest drink the local coffee vendor had ever made.

"No, I didn't," Emily replied, her cheeks already flushing a slight red at the mention of you. It didn't take a profiler to know that Emily had started to catch feelings for a certain young agent who had just joined the team a few months prior.

"I think you should do something nice for them." Penelope's voice was certain and clear, leaving no room for argument. Not that Emily wouldn't try.

"I will get them a nice little card and a cupcake as I do for all of you on your birthday," Emily responded, frowning a little and puffing air out of her nose.

"No, Em. I'm not saying that Unit Chief Prentiss should get them something. I'm saying that Emily should get them something."

"Penelope, that's crossing the line," Emily retorted, crossing her arms in front of her chest as best she could while still holding all of the items she had come in with.

"You get JJ, Spencer, Tara, and I amazing gifts every year outside of work. And don't even forget how teamed up with Dave to put on a little party for Luke and Roxy when they hit their one-year mark with the team."

Penelope had a point, Emily did do nice things for birthdays every year.

"Yeah, but you're all my friends outside of work, Pen, and have been longer than I have been in charge. I barely know Y/N. I don't want to be inappropriate in my new position of power. I don't want them to feel pressured."

"Pressured to do what?" Penelope asked, quirking an eyebrow as if she knew exactly what words Emily could respond with would be true and what would be a lie. Emily stood quietly, chewing on her lip, unwilling to give voice to the growing feelings she had.

"Listen, Em. I know you've got feelings for Y/N. I think we all do, well, except for Y/N. They don't know you yet. And I have a sneaking suspicion that they have feelings for you, too."

Emily looked at Penelope with a knowing glare, hoping to wiggle some truth out of her. Penelope simply zipped her lips and winked at her before continuing with her case.

"They've never had anything special happen on their birthday before, not as a kid, not in college, and not since. They weren't even going to tell us about it because they don't think there is anything special about it; I had to look it up in the system when I was doing those weekly horoscopes for you guys."

Emily snorted, remembering how for two months straight Penelope would make fake horoscopes telling them to get their shit together because she thought it would be funny. In her defense, yes, they were funny.

Emily Prentiss x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now