Tastes Like Strawberries

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"PG, stop, you're going to get syrup everywhere!" Emily chided as she poured strawberries into a mixing bowl. It was Girl's Night at your place and this week's activity was baking treats for the BAU's annual Valentine's Day party for the department and their families. You were currently searching for containers for the dozens of cookies you and JJ had already baked and were working on frosting in the other room and Emily and Penelope were working on a topping for the cheesecake that you had just pulled out of the oven to cool.

"It will be fine, trust me, the bigger the mess the yummier the result," Penelope responded as she continued to try and use an electric mixer to mash the rest of the strawberries and sugar into a sweet, syrupy topping.

True to form, the mixer began to sputter and flung droplets of strawberry juice all over the kitchen, including a decent-sized one right in the middle of Emily's cheek. With some Tupperware containers secured in your grasp, you bounced over to where Emily stood and placed a big kiss on her cheek, collecting most of the juice with your lips.

"Yummy, great job Penny," you said with a giggle as you watched Emily's face flush a bright red. The taller brunette wiped at her cheek a little and started to grumble at you.

"Of all the people to pick as my best friend..." Emily mumbled, trailing off and turning her back to you.

"Sorry, bestie! You know I had to do it to 'em," you said before giving her a little side hug and walking back into the dining room where JJ was still frosting the sugar cookies.

Penelope continued to mix the strawberries and sugar until it was a consistency she liked and watched as Emily pulled a tray of brownies from the oven.

"You never get flustered like that when I kiss your cheek, you know," Penelope said, hoping to ruffle some of Emily's feathers.

Emily huffed in response and shut the oven off, putting her mittens away and grabbing a plastic knife to cut the brownies. As she started to section the dessert into neat little squares, Penelope continued to push at the issue, affectionately teasing and prodding until Emily's patience wore thin.

"It doesn't matter that I have feelings for her, I know she doesn't feel the same. Just put the damn strawberries on the cake," Emily snapped, immediately regretting how harsh she was, and winced. "I'm sorry, Penelope. Let's just finish this, yeah?"

Penelope smiled to herself, reveling in the success that she finally got Emily to admit her crush on you, even if it wasn't on purpose.

In the other room, you and JJ were finally starting to put all the heart-shaped cookies away, stacking them on top of each other with wax paper to separate the layers.

"Seems like you're being extra flirty with Emily today," JJ said, tying a pink ribbon around one of the boxes.

"I'm not trying to be, honestly," you responded, stopping yourself from licking the icing off of your thumb. Unbeknownst to either of you, Emily walked into the room behind you with the pan of brownies and stood frozen, listening to your conversation.

"Why don't you ask her out? You have to know she likes you back-- she's a total mess around you!"

I know, but I also know that Emily runs from relationships the second they get hard. I can't handle getting my heart broken by her. I would rather love her from afar than risk losing her forever."

Emily swallowed a gasp and hurried into the room, placing the brownies on the table and immediately leaving. Without hesitation, she grabbed Penelope by the elbow and dragged her outside to the front porch.

"Emily, what the hell," Penelope asked, worried about her friend. Emily was standing in front of her with one arm tightened around her waist and the other bringing fingers to her mouth so she could bite at her nails.

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