you have my heart, so don't hurt me (you're what i couldn't find)

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"It's not as bad as it looks," you said, hobbling into the BAU, arm wrapped around your midsection to try and alleviate some of the pain radiating through your broken ribs. Bruises were covering your arms and torso, a couple stretching up onto your face and coloring your eyelid a shade of red that otherwise would have been a cute eyeshadow. Garcia had met you at the door, already fussing over you and making you feel like a small child who had fallen on the playground. The rest of the team met you with stares, as well, when you made your way to your desk.

"Are you sure? Because you're limping and covered in bruises, kid," Morgan said, raising an eyebrow at you. You huffed in his direction and threw your bag onto your desk, wincing as you did so.

"Leave the rookie alone, Morgan, not all of us can handle driving creatively," Emily said with a smirk, making you laugh a little. A few days previous, you had gotten stuck driving one of the SUVs during a car chase and the unsub had run you off the road, causing a plethora of injuries.

"I don't think driving creatively is part of the training course, Em. I think that's just your excuse for being a shitty driver," you volleyed back, making the older woman clutch at her chest and audibly blow air out of her pursed lips.

"Ouch, you wound me," Emily said, smiling at the lighthearted teasing that had been part of your dynamic since the first day you walked into the BAU.

"You love me anyway," you said, blowing a kiss in her direction. She caught the kiss and pulled it into her heart, making a kissy noise back at you before turning back to the file open on her desk.

There had always been something extra in your relationship with Emily, your. friendship always bordering on something more. Neither of you had made a move to act on the feelings that so palpably swirled between the two of you. You weren't sure what held Emily back from making a move but you were terrified of losing her if things didn't work out. So, instead, you enjoyed the flirty, lighthearted friendship that the two of you shared.

"You got any plans tonight, speed racer?" Emily asked from across the desk at the end of the day as she twirled her pen between her fingers. On her last twirl, however, she accidentally flung it in the air, smacking you square in the forehead. She choked on the air trying to suppress a laugh, pulling a hand to her mouth and shrugging her shoulders around her ears.

You scrunched your nose and rubbed at your forehead, glad that none of your bruising reached that far up your face.

"Jesus, Em, I knew you were a good shot but maybe you could not place your targets right on my forehead, yeah?" you said, giving Emily a pointed glare.

"What can I say, I've got my sights set on you," Emily replied with a smile, a laugh bubbling in her chest. Her words made your chest tingle and tighten pleasantly, even if she was just joking.

"Damn, Prentiss, I thought you would be at least a little smoother than that," you said, raising an eyebrow. "But I guess that is what could be expected from someone who reads Vonnegut for fun."

Emily scoffed and opened her eyes wider, leaning back into her chair with her arms folded and legs crossed.

"Oh, is that how you're going to play it, Herbie?" Emily said, referencing the movie Love Bug about a racing Volkswagon Beetle with a mind of its own. "The Vonnegut line is getting a bit tired, don't you think?"

"You're just jealous that you can't think of a better comeback."

Emily laughed and raised her hands in surrender.

"You caught me. My brain is fried from these case files."

You smiled back at her and she began to pack up her desk.

Emily Prentiss x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now