Head Over Feet

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It was 90's night at the team's favorite bar and Penelope had convinced everyone that you needed a "team bonding night" to cure the funk you had been in—it was actually just karaoke night and she just knew that the team would never agree to come along if she didn't guilt them just a little. You were excited, though, 90's night always meant that Emily would get up and sing a song after a few drinks. Her voice was beautiful and she always picked a song that was somehow reminiscent of how she was feeling. After a hard case, she often would sing an angry song or one with melancholic undertones. Just a few weeks ago, she sang "Losing My Religion" by REM and you wrapped her in a hug and wiped away a tear from her face—losing Matthew had definitely taken its toll on her and her walls weren't as sturdy that night as they usually were.

Something had been going on between you and Emily for a while now, soft touches and lingering glances that never were acknowledged. For as long as you had been at the BAU, she had always made sure to include you in Girls' Night activities which eventually turned into late-night hangouts just the two of you. Your friendship had blossomed, soon sharing secrets like teenagers well into the night even when you shared hotel rooms on cases. After a while, she divulged that she hadn't felt worthy of a relationship in a long time, not since something that had happened shortly before she joined the BAU. You didn't press for specifics, knowing that Emily was a very private person, but you did remind her that she was worthy of love no matter what was haunting her past. What you didn't say was that you wanted to be the person to show Emily how to love again, but she didn't need to know that, you didn't need to risk your friendship over a silly little crush.

The bar was a little less crowded than you were used to, though it wasn't empty by any means. Derek had already started chatting up the ladies near the dance floor, certainly about to make a move. Hotch was sitting with Haley at a high-rise table and JJ was about to hustle some college boys out of their daddy's money at the dartboard. Penelope was sitting with you at a table off to the side and Emily had wandered off some minutes ago.

"What do you think Emily is going to sing tonight?" you asked Penelope, swirling your drink a little in your hands.

"I'm not sure... she's been in a weird mood lately," Penelope responded while searching the crowd for said woman.

Not even two seconds later, the lights dimmed on the stage, preparing for the next singer. You were ready to comment on how corny you thought it was when the bar would "change the ambiance" for each song when you saw Emily climb up onto the stage.

"She never goes this early," you said as you set your drink on the table.

"She hasn't even touched her drink yet," Spencer noted from behind you as he came to sit at the table with you and Penelope.

Emily's voice rang out near immediately after the first guitar chord, "I had no choice but to hear you. You stated your case time and again. I thought about it."

The song was instantly familiar to you, an Alanis Morisette song that you had always adored, always thought was a sweet love song. Emily's face was blushing red but her eyes were locked on yours, unwavering.

"You treat me like I'm a princess. I'm not used to liking that. You ask how my day was." Emily's voice was low and smooth, an alto timbre that vibrated straight to your core. You always loved when Emily sang, she truly could have made a career out of singing if she wanted to. Without flinching, your best friend continued on with the song, still looking at you, almost as if she was speaking the words of the song to you and only you, like you were the only person in the world. As the song swelled into its first chorus, Emily started to sway a little, releasing the tension in her shoulders.

"You've already won me over, in spite of me. And don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet. And don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are, I couldn't help it, it's all your fault."

Emily's eyes were radiating love, enough to cover the fear that had her hands trembling as she held her microphone. You couldn't believe it, was it possible that Emily felt the same way you did?

"Your love is thick and it swallowed me whole. You're so much braver than I gave you credit for. That's not lip service."

Tears watered in your eyes as you thought about everything you and Emily had shared, everything you had gone through since you met. Emily was so closed off and the remnants of being emotionally neglected radiated off of her being as you worked to chip away at her walls, to bring her just an ounce of the compassion and care she had been starved of her entire life.

The chorus came again, an ode to falling in love with someone unexpected, and continued into the third verse, a love letter to all the ways that her lover makes her feel cared for, a thank you note to the patience needed to meet all of her needs. She croons about her lover being her best friend, questioning what took her so long to relent and admit that she was in love. The words hit you square in the chest when Emily stood a little closer, gripped the microphone a little tighter, and sang,

"I've never felt this healthy before. I've never wanted something rational. I am aware now. I am aware now."

The chorus came once more and you knew, you knew in your heart and your soul the message Emily was sending. As she sang the same confession over and over, you stood from your seat and walked towards the stage. Emily held her hand out for you to grab, pulling you close and dancing with you as she riffed the ending vocalizations. As the song drew to a close, she wrapped her free hand around your waist, bringing you impossibly closer as she sang in a quiet piano, "I couldn't help it, it's all your fault."

Before anyone could react, you reached up on your toes and pressed a kiss to Emily's lips, not willing to wait for a second longer to know the taste of her berry-red lips. Those in the bar that were paying attention began to clap and those that were not stopped to take a peek at what was happening on the stage. Emily was surprised by your move but quickly recovered and kissed you back. It was short and chaste but you could feel the emotions pouring from her into you.

"I didn't know you felt this way, too," you said breathlessly. Emily tangled her fingers with yours, ready to get off the stage and out of the spotlight. As she pulled you into the familiar darkness of the rest of the bar, she pushed her free hand through your hair and kissed you again, just as softly, just as sweetly.

"I should have said something sooner, I'm sorry for all of the time we have wasted." Emily looked at her feet as she spoke as if she was embarrassed.

"It doesn't matter," you said, trailing your fingers up her neck, pinching her chin, and lifting it so she would look at you again. "All that matters is that we are here now. We have plenty of time to figure the rest out."

Emily beamed a smile in your direction but before she could kiss you for a third time, Derek clapped you both on the shoulder and congratulated "you two idiots" for getting your heads out of your asses and doing something about the crush that was "filling the BAU with sexual tension thicker than a high school drama room." All three of you laughed but you never took your eyes off Emily, her doing the same. The world seemed to spin to a stop and the only thing that mattered was the way that Emily's eyes sparkled a chocolate brown and the way her hair shined in the dim light of the team's favorite bar.

Yeah, this was it. Penny was right. This was exactly what the team needed to set everything right again. Everything was perfect.

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