your ivy grows and now i'm covered in you*

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Note: Because this is for my birthday celebration, I'm mostly writing this as a huuuuge self-indulgence piece

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Note: Because this is for my birthday celebration, I'm mostly writing this as a huuuuge self-indulgence piece. I hope that you guys can still enjoy it, though!! This was very fun and cathartic for me to write.

Note 2: Reader has a smartphone, fuck the canon timeline.

Warnings: (18+) mentions of/allusion to sexual assault; smut; vaginal fingering; oral sex; strap-on sex. This piece is written as a healing fic, so it overwhelmingly is fluffy and warm and soft. This does not deal with any of the negative repercussions of being harmed like flashbacks, panic attacks, or descriptive details of trauma. 

The end of February was always so dreary, the sky a muddled gray. Heavy wind whipped cold air around to sting at your cheeks though it wasn't quite cold enough to keep the snow on the ground. Sidewalks were damp and the ground muddied without any grass to keep the soil anchored in place. It was the time of year right at the end of winter when things were no longer clean and bright but the sky still wasn't quite ready to let the warm sunshine thaw the ground and begin the renewal that always cycled in with the sound of baby birds chirping and snowdrops blooming from the still-healing Earth after months of a permeating chill that froze everything in its path. It was only fitting that the end of February was when you celebrated your birth, the day itself stirring feelings within you both that reminded you of the cold, dark winter and the promise of spring just around the corner. As a child, your birthday had seemed special– it was something that was always celebrated with parties and presents and love. But as you grew older, your family fell into disarray and your birthday became a reminder of all of the things you had lost, of all the things you could no longer afford to have, of all the love you so desperately missed. Becoming an adult meant synthesizing all of those experiences of your childhood and adolescence into one core belief and it left you feeling conflicted, memories of birthdays both good and very bad clouding how you felt about that late-February day.

For the past three birthdays, however, you had steadily grown to love the day more and more. Three years ago, your birthday was still haunted with the memory of one of your first partners hurting you under the guise of "giving you a gift"-- an event that deeply shook you to your core. The birthdays following all ended up having varying levels of the same anxiety and distress no matter how long it had been or how much therapy you had done to try and heal the cracked, sharp edges that had splintered into your chest. Three years ago, however, was the first time that you had celebrated a birthday with someone who took the time and care to attend to your needs without any expectation of return. It was foreign and uncomfortable but your new girlfriend, Emily, was patient and understanding, probably more so than you could have ever anticipated from the outwardly stoic, sarcastic woman. When she held you, not only with her hands and body but also with her soul, it was the first time you realized that you may have been falling into actual, true love for the very first time. Partners had come and gone in your life but Emily Prentiss was the only one who had seemingly scratched the surface of gaining your trust in a way that truly allowed for you to love and be loved.

Emily Prentiss x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now