with a turn of a phrase, would you turn to me if i say...

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Note: We are pretending that Valentine's Day in the 70s-80s is the same as early-2000s because I said so.

Note: Part of this idea came from someone in a discord server that I left. if you recognize the hs lovers theme from an idea you had, shoot me a message so I can credit you.

Growing up, Valentine's Day was always a little special. Everyone at school would color their little boxes and bring in dozens of pre-made notes covered in cartoon characters with little silly candies attached. The classroom would be decked head-to-toe with heart-shaped everything and all of the activities for the day would be centered around love. At home, too, your parents would buy little stuffed animals from the store with some little, cheap chocolates so that you could be their Valentine, too. It was never anything extravagant, never anything expensive or over the top-- it was just enough to make you feel a little special and a little extra love on a cold February day.

In high school, you had your first real romantic relationship and got to really experience the joys of what the holiday could bring. Logically, you knew it was a Hallmark holiday but you couldn't help but shake in excitement every year when you got to see what plan your girlfriend had cooked up. She was born wealthy and while she didn't go out of her way to make sure that people at school knew it, there was very little she wouldn't do for you. For three years in a row, you were dazzled with your favorite candies, dates to the movies, the softest stuffed animals, and on your last Valentine's Day, one of the most beautiful pieces of jewelry you had ever laid your eyes on. It was tasteful and subtle but entirely special to the relationship you had shared.

Despite the love the two of you shared, your relationship came grinding to a halt after graduation because you and your girlfriend both were moving away for college and weren't ready for the hardships that you would face trying to keep a relationship afloat over hundreds of miles. It was a mutual decision to end things, as sad as it was. You spent one final night together and then decided that it would be for the best if you didn't try to be friends. Things would just get too messy and painful if you tried it any other way. The love between the two of you felt too strong to be able to put away as if nothing ever happened. You, however, couldn't bring yourself to take off the necklace she had given you, to relinquish the one thing that had always made you so loved.

Years and years went by and you never heard from her again. Part of you was hurt, despite the fact that you had both agreed to not be friends. She had been such a huge part of your life and was someone you trusted immensely, someone who you felt safe around. It hurt that you never got to have her back in any capacity. But, time continued on and soon enough she was just a fond memory amidst the toil and trouble that was adolescence. You wore the necklace less and less but couldn't seem to get rid of it– its comfort was still something you cherished on days you missed her the most.

After college, you worked in your field for a while but decided that something was missing. On a whim, you applied to the FBI to work in some silly department related to your bachelor's degree, and much to your surprise, you got in. After the academy, they paid for you to get a Master's degree and after 7 years of stellar work, your boss suggested that you take the profiling courses and apply for the BAU. It was hard work but you passed your courses with flying colors and caught the eye of one of your instructors who then gave Hotch a bit of a nudge when hiring a new profiler.

On your first day of work, you were nervous. These were some of the best agents in the entire bureau and you felt like an imposter, like you couldn't possibly belong amongst them. For a little extra support, you placed the chain and pendant around your neck that reminded you of your worth. Even if you didn't let yourself think of the girl who gave it to you, the small memento gave you comfort. Any and all jitters flew out the window, though, when you saw her sitting at a desk, laughing with a kid who looked barely 25. You couldn't believe it! Your heart started to race and butterflies erupted in your stomach. Emily. The name you hadn't let yourself think about in years. Would she remember you? What was she like now? Would she want to be your friend? With Emily around, you knew that you would fit right in.

Emily Prentiss x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now