Safe and Sound

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tw: past abusive relationship
Emily Prentiss, at her core, was a hothead. Sure, she had been conditioned from a young age to show no emotion, to be sickeningly polite and rational at all times. But simmering just underneath that facade was a woman who felt her emotions deeply and strongly that had been waiting to find the people she felt safe enough around to unleash her stormy waters and glittering sunshine. Usually, it was an honor and joy to watch her laugh until she cried or smile so wide her cheeks could split in half, to share with her the depth of her emotion that not many people were privileged to see.

Today, however, was different.

"Did you do anything fun while I was gone?" Emily's tone was light but something seemed to be festering under the surface of her words. You attributed it to leftover stress and tension from working such a hard case the week previous.

"Yeah, Vanessa took me to that new gay bar near Georgetown this weekend," you said absentmindedly as you helped Emily put away the groceries.

"How was that?" Emily asked, stretching on her toes to put Sergio's cat food on the highest shelf in the pantry in hopes that this one wouldn't end up in shreds across the condo.

"It was so amazing!" you said, dancing in place and shaking your fists excitedly. "Vanessa got us tickets for my first drag show and then she took me dancing for so long I thought my feet were going to fall off!"

Emily huffed, turning her back to you, "Of course she did."

You furrowed your brow and cocked your head, did you hear her correctly?

"I'm sorry?"

Emily turned sharply, hands on her hips and a fire smoldering in her gaze.

"I just think it's funny that you decided to go with her to your first drag show when you promised that you would go with me."

You scoffed and shook your head as you furrowed your brow in disbelief.

"You said you would take me for Pride and promised again a few months ago. Vanessa has asked to take me three times now, I didn't want to keep saying no," you said, trying to keep an even cadence in your voice and a neutral expression on your face.

"So, what, am I not good enough for you now? Gonna replace me with Vanessa?" Emily spat in your direction. This behavior was wholly unexpected from your girlfriend and was making it nearly impossible to remain calm.

"You're being ridiculous, Emily!" you said, raising your voice just so slightly. "And yeah, maybe if you bothered to prioritize me, even just a little, Vanessa wouldn't have to be the one who takes me to do everything!"

As soon as the words left your mouth, you froze. Oh god, what have I done? Emily's going to be so angry with me, you thought to yourself. You curled your arms tightly around your midsection and waited for the blow.

Emily, blinded by her rage, began to shout, "Me? Ridiculous? I'm not the one who acts like her best friend is her girlfriend!"

The tall brunette took a harsh step towards you and you visibly recoiled, turning in on yourself with your ears hunched around your shoulders, instinctively moving so that your back was turned. Emily blinked twice and dropped her jaw, bewildered.

"Y/N? What are you doing?" Emily asked, reaching to place her hand on your shoulder. "Are you okay?"

As soon as there was contact, however, you immediately jerked away and began muttering apologies.

"I'm so sorry, Emily. I didn't mean it. I love you and only you. I'm so sorry," you repeated like it was a mantra. You couldn't believe you had made such a big mistake, you knew better.

Emily Prentiss x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now