All Too Well (part 2)

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edit: this was a tumblr request, y'all, so don't get mad at me hahahaha, i know exactly how this sounds lmaooo and it's not very independent, anti-commitment oldest daughter of me hahaha

Two weeks had gone by since New Year's Eve and life was slowly going back to normal. When Derek had called the next morning, asking what had happened, you told him the truth: that Emily had shown up and that you had made an ass of yourself as you burned yourself to the quick with your anger. It weighed heavily on your soul the foul words you had said to Emily but you couldn't bring yourself to regret the catharsis doing so had brought. A weight had been lifted from your shoulders now that Emily had finally heard of the words she had denied you from speaking with her radio silence.

"Sergio, look what Aunt Penny got you!" you said as you pulled a small box out of your purse. The team had just finished up a case and the technical analyst had invited you out to brunch while the team flew home because she wanted to check up on you after the New Year's debacle. Inside the box was a cute little bowtie collar that was your favorite color.

"You're going to look so handsome in this, yes you are," you cooed as you fastened it around the feline's neck. Sergio began to purr and nudge his head against the palm of your hand. Any reason for attention was good enough to make him happy, even if it came from being put in silly cat clothes. He really was the most patient boy.

Three gentle knocks sounded from the door and you looked down at Sergio, cocking your head.

"Who could that be, sweet boy? Does mama have a visitor?"

You walked to the foyer and looked through the peephole. Staring back at you was a ragged-looking Emily, her hair thrown into a messy bun on her head and an oversized sweatshirt she had once stolen from you hanging limp from her shoulders. She must have come straight from the jet and the guilt on your conscience from the way you had last spoken to her left little room for hesitation in opening the door.

With little fanfare or greeting, you let Emily in, guiding her to sit at the kitchen counter where Sergio was grooming himself.

"Hi, baby boy," she said softly in his direction, the cat's ears immediately perking up as he began to trill and aggressively throw his body against Emily's hands.

You let the two get reacquainted for a few seconds before clearing your throat and speaking up.

"I'm sorry for the way I behaved the last time you were here, Emily. I was out of line and I said horrible things that you didn't deserve."

Your words were honest and sincere, you were sorry for the anger and hatred that spewed from your lips and any pain that you had caused the woman, no matter how justified they may have seemed.

"There is no reason to apologize, Y/N. I probably deserved worse after the way I left things and then just waltzing back in here thinking that everything would be fine." Emily continued to pet Sergio as she spoke, splitting her attention between you and the furry creature. "What you said stung, sure, but I think I needed to hear it."

"Well, I'm still sorry," you responded, coming to sit on the stool next to Emily's at the counter. "I could have said it a hundred different ways."

Emily nodded her head and let out a deep breath.

"I—I want to talk about what happened. I owe you one hell of an apology and an explanation," she said as she looked to your face, scanning for any hint as to what you were feeling. You only gave a nod of consent in response before Emily continued.

"I am so incredibly sorry for the way that I have hurt you," Emily began, her free hand twitching with the desire to grab yours. "The way I treated you is completely inexcusable and I will admit that from the moment I came home from Paris until the moment I broke up with you, and even beyond, I wasn't taking into account the fact that you were another living person with feelings that would be impacted by the choices I was making."

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