Getting Started

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The first thing that happened after I pressed yes, was that I got sucked into what I assume was a wormhole type thing. You're all familiar with Star Wars? If you're not, too fucking bad. It was sort of like the Star Wars hyperspace thing.

After what I guessed was about 13 seconds, and I say guessed because I'm not a Timelord, how should I know how long it took? Not like I was wearing a watch. And what kind of person keeps count when they are hurtling through space, possibly time and are possibly about to die (again). Anyway, I passed out.

After regaining consciousness, I did what I always do when I wake up in the morning.

?: *Frustrated groan*

screen: "Hey you. You're finally awake."

?: "..."

screen: "You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that imperial ambush."

?: "Listen pal, I am not in the mood for a damn Skyrim reference right now, so can you like, I don't know, shut up?"

screen: " Okay, 1. You, a person who spends more time in front of a screen in his room instead of socialising is telling me he is not in the mood for a Skyrim reference. Very believable. And 2. It's always a good time for a Skyrim reference especially that specific one.

?: "...point taken. And yeah, you're right it is never a bad time for a Skyrim reference."

screen: "That's what I thought. Now, you want to get started with this whole thing or you just want to lay in bed all day?"

?: "I think you already know the answer to that question."

screen: "Get up or die. Your choice really."

?: "What, is there a monster here that hates laziness or something?"

screen: "No not as far as I am aware buuuuttt..."

?: "but what?"

screen: "Do you even have a clue as to where you ended up?"

?: "Oh right. Somehow I completely forgot about that."

screen: "Yeah you should probably go and figure that out but before we get started on all of that exposition, that let's set up your profile real quick, yeah?"

?: "Stellar idea."

After that little interaction I found myself looking at yet another screen (go figure).

It had all the usual questions regarding the basics, like, your name and similar shit I don't have the patience for. Is a name really necessary? Why not just jump straight into the action, fight, fuck, get married and ask each other's pronouns when you're on your death bed? Sounds much more interesting.

Disappointingly, I couldn't afford to just hit the random button a bunch of times, considering my whole future depended on these decisions. Probably.

Also, who would want to get stuck looking the way RNJezus made me look permanently? And I am pretty sure no one wants to look like one of those ugly bastards from some fucked up doujin on Nhentai who thirsts after lolis.

Speaking of loli's, I really hoped I wouldn't get stuck in a world filled with lolis because hell isn't real except if that were to be the case. I am not into that. Like. At all. Lolis are for patting not for fapping, that's my motto anyways.

Technically I would be turning myself into an entirely different person, but some opinions are just powerful enough to make it into batshit crazy afterlives completely unchanged.

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