Don't Get Sick

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Puffball POV:

I was chatting with Bell and Fries, happily floating above the grass

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I was chatting with Bell and Fries, happily floating above the grass. Bell was beside me, and Fries was sitting on the ground below us, talking about his day. Looking around, I could see people in groups, talking to each other just like us. Pen, Bottle, and Tree were in a group, Leafy, Teardrop, Lollipop, and Balloony were in another, and the alliance was in a circle, probably gossiping about the other contestants-

My thoughts were interrupted by Bell's voice. "So, when do you think the next challenge will start?" I was about to respond, when Four appeared right on cue. Everyone turned their attention towards them standing in the middle of the field. They waited a moment, before yelling, "Everyone! Come to me! I'm about to announce your next challenge!" They had a big, innocent smile on their face, an expression of pure joy. I couldn't help but smile too. I just love seeing people so happy! We all made our way towards them, and they continued, "When I snap my fingers, the air will fill with a bacteria that will give you a small cold. Once someone gets sick, I will clear the air, but the illness is highly contagious! Each team will get masks, gloves, hand sanitizer, and tissues. The last team to be perfectly healthy wins!"

A pile of supplies appeared in front of every team, and everyone put their masks on. My team helped me and Bell, since we didn't have limbs. After a few seconds, only one person remained without a mask; Cloudy. His teammates were struggling to get the mask around his head, but Four decided to ignore the team's yelling for them to wait. They snapped their fingers and everyone fell silent. Cloudy paused for a moment, and I realized he was holding his breath. We all watched as his teammates struggled to put his mask on as he slowly ran out of air. I wanted to go help, but...I was too late. He took a deep breath in.

His eyes widened apon breathing the contaminated air. The sound of his coughing echoed through the crowd. He fell to the floor, vomiting everything in his stomach. Four's smile dropped immediately. They snapped their fingers again and the air was clear, but that didn't stop Cloudy's coughing. Blood pooled around him as he coughed violently, desperately gasping for air. He could hardly breathe. His teammates watched in horror as he vomited, his face covered in thick mucus. It went on for so long...I thought it would never end, until he stopped. His coughing died down, and after a minute...he went limp. Everyone was in shock. Nobody could speak...especially Four. They looked at their hands, horrified with what they'd done. Normally, I would be angry at him for causing such a gruesome death, but...they didn't mean to. They just wanted an innocent challenge, but they went too far. They turned, and saw that all eyes were on them. Tears formed in their eyes and they opened their mouth to say something, but...couldn't. I looked around. Some looked angry, while others just looked...devastated. Dissapointed. Betrayed. Four couldn't handle it anymore. We all watched as they ran away, tears falling and leaving a trail behind them. Soon, they were gone. We were all left alone, with this horrific plague.

Leafy POV:
I...couldn't believe it. Cloudy, my friend, gone in an instant. Like nothing! We all backed away from his corpse. I wanted to hug him, to be with him one last time, but...he was infected. He was dangerous. I felt someone grab my hand and I saw Teardrop, staring at him and clutching my hand. I pulled her close and hugged her. I knew they weren't close, but...still. Seeing someone die so's traumatic, no matter who they were. She sobbed against me, and I tried my best to comfort her until I felt someone pull me away. I turned around and saw Nickel. "Are you crazy? She's with the other team! You could get her sick, or she could get us sick!" He yelled. He was right...I didn't want to make her sick. Looking around, I realized that our teams were very close together, anyway. "Hey, wait a minute!" Both teams looked in my direction, "What if we work together? Become the same team? Since we started off this challenge so close!" They all thought for a moment, before Book spoke, "Well, I guess it wouldn't in numbers, right?" She looked around her team and everyone agreed. My team all agreed as well. Nickel looked a bit annoyed, but he nodded his head. "Perfect!" I said, still holding Teardrop's hand, "Now we can all work together! Yay!"

Here's the first chapter of Epidemic! I'm working really hard on this story, so if you're reading this I really appreciate it!
I hope you enjoy! :]
also, the drawings won't be in every chapter! i just wanted to draw this scene :D

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