Death Pact

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Tree's POV:
Cloudy's dead. There's no way around it. It was so early in the competition, and we hadn't prevented a single death. Seeing him die so made me realize how crucial this is. Four was gone, and nobody knew if they'd be back. Without them, nobody could be revived. I looked around at my team, and I knew I had to protect them. They're all so...fragile. They could die at any moment! I had to get them out of there. "I have an idea, follow me. I know how we can be safe." I said, gesturing for them to come with me. They followed, a bit confused on where I was leading them.

In all honesty, I was confused as well. I had no idea where I was going, I just knew that we had to get out of there. Being far away from the source of the disease means we have a very low chance of getting it, right? We walked into the woods, the leaves and twigs crunching beneath our feet. "Um, where exactly are you taking us...?" Liy asked from behind me. I thought for a moment, "Don't worry about it. me, okay? I'm taking you to safety." She didn't seem satisfied with my answer, but she stayed quiet anyway. I sighed and turned my attention to Bottle, who was tapping on my shoulder. "I don't like the's scary." She had a concerned expression  and she looked around. "Oh, don't worry! What's there to be afraid of?" I smiled at her, hoping to calm her down. She only looked more fearful, "I heard people talking...they said someone evil lives in these woods! They said she kills people!" I knew who she was referring to; Evil Leafy. I hadn't taken her into consideration, but...that might become a problem. I hid my concern and held her hand, reassuring her it was going to be okay. "Oh, she won't attack us! You're safe with me, Bottle. I'll make sure of it." She smiled, and we continued walking.

We walked for hours, going deeper and deeper into the forest, and I realized it was getting dark. The whole team looked tired so I thought it was a good time to stop, when I saw something. A small abandoned shed. It looked like nobody had touched it for years, but it still had a lock on it. I ran towards it, and saw that it was a decent size. Definitely big enough for 7 objects. "Alright, team! This is our new home!" I announced. Some groaned, and some just looked annoyed. "We're going to live in...that?" Pie asked, a disgusted look on her face. "I know it's not the best, but...we have to stay safe, and staying in this room will make sure that nobody dies. That's what this is all about, isn't it? Preventing death. Plus, we'll have fun! It's like, uh...a slumber party!" I said, opening the door. It was full of different tools and supplies, which I grabbed and placed outside. It was a lot bigger than it looked, and there was a light that hung from the ceiling. There were two windows, one on each side of the room, and one of them was broken. I picked up a broom from the pile outside and started sweeping the floor, while my team remained outside. They didn't want to help me, but...that's fine. As long as they were happy. That's what I was doing this for...I just wanted my team to be safe. If that means I have to do all the work, then so be it.

After a while, I'd cleaned the whole room. It was actually a nice place without all the dust and cobwebs. I sighed, resting for a moment before calling my team to come inside. They did, and looked disappointed as soon as they walked through the door. Pillow glanced around, "How long are we staying here...? It's really cramped..." She was right. There was room for all of us to lay down, but other than that there was very little space. "Well, we should stay at least until Four comes back, since until then we can't be revived. Ideally, we'd stay until the disease is gone completely, but I don't think you'd want that, right?" They all harshly shook their heads. "Okay, then we'll only stay until Four comes. It should only take a few days." I wasn't actually at all sure when they'd come back. It could be days, weeks, months, years, I didn't know. But right now all that mattered was the team being happy.

a/n: second chapter wowowowow
if ur still reading um thanks for reading my terrible writing ig😀
also yeah poor tree :(( hes trying his best
fun fact death pact is my favorite team

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