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Fanny's POV:
I hated this. I hated this stupid challenge. I hated four. They killed cloudy and then they just left! They left like a coward! Because of them, we were all going to die. They didn't even give us a place to sleep! Or food! If the disease didn't take us, then we'd surely starve. My teammates weren't helping the situation, either. Match and Pencil were going on about some plan they had, but I didn't wanna hear it. Whatever they did, it couldn't fix the situation. I sighed, leaning against a tree, tuning out everyone around me. It wasn't until Match said my name that I heard anything they were saying at all. "Fanny! Are you even, like, paying attention?" She looked angry, but I didn't care. "No. I hate this." Is all I said, and she scoffed at me. "Well, I was explaining how we're going to get out of here, but if you don't want to come with us, that's, like, fine!" Get out of here? Maybe I should've payed attention, but I'd never let her know that. I glanced at the board they were presenting, and it had a terrible drawing of a van on it. It was pink with orange flames drawn on the front, and on the side it said, "The Freesmart Supervan". The name sounded familiar, but I'd never seen it before. 

Pencil pulled a small remote out of seemingly nowhere, and pressed the big red button in the middle. Instantly, a van identical to the one on the drawing drove up to us and parked right next to Match. "Like, get in, everyone!" They both shouted simultaneously. Ruby was the first one to get in, then the rest of us followed. "Where exactly are we going?" I asked, and Pencil looked annoyed. "Well, Fanny, if you had been paying attention, maybe you would know!" I wanted to scream at her. I hated how self-centered and egotistical she was. Bubble must've seen how mad I was, because she put a hand on my shoulder and said, "We aren't going anywhere specific. We're just trying to find somewhere we can stay!" She looked so...innocent. So hopeful. She was honestly the only person I didn't hate. She didn't deserve to be treated so poorly...I had no idea why she stuck with the alliance for so long. It wasn't fair.

Pencil started the van, and we were off. We all took our masks off, except Flower, who never put her's on to begin with. She said it 'hid her true beauty' or something like that. I looked out the window, avoiding having to talk to anyone else. I hate talking to people.

Ruby's POV
We drove a few miles until we couldn't see the contest grounds anymore. We were on a normal road, and we could see houses and trees on either side of us. We were back in normal civilization, where nobody even knew about the disease. We were safe there. Finally! I looked around at everyone. Fanny was staring out the window with an annoyed expression, Bubble was awkwardly sitting next to her...it looked like she wanted to talk to her, but didn't know how. Flower was looking in her hand-held mirror she brought everywhere, Pencil was driving and Match was in the passenger's seat with her feet up, talking about whatever was on her mind. Lightning and Snowball were in the back talking, but I couldn't hear them. I was sitting alone, so I decided to go talk to Flower.

I got up from my seat, and sat down next to her. She looked surprised at first, but once she realized it was me she smiled. I smiled back, "Hey, Flower!" She put down her mirror, "Oh! Hi, Ruby!" She seemed happy just to talk to someone. I felt bad for her, even if she did deserve it...she was so self centered that everyone pushed her away! To everyone else, she was just a mean, selfish brat, but...they didn't know her. They knew her facade, the girl she pretended to be. I knew the real Flower. She was sweet, and kind to me...I didn't understand why she didn't open up to anyone else. It didn't make sense...they should all see her the way I do.

We spent the next few hours just talking, not a care in the world. It was nice, I almost forgot we were running away from a deadly plague. It felt like nothing could ever go wrong, until she paused. I was confused as to why she stopped mid sentence, and then it happened.

She coughed.

a/n: i love fanny sm
and aw look at ruby and flower <333
flower is an anti masker #cancelled

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