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Flower's POV:

I slapped my hands over my mouth, and everyone stared at me.

I coughed.

Pencil slammed on the breaks, and the van came to a screeching stop. We all held onto our seats to keep our balance. All eyes were on me, and not in a good way. Ruby was the first one to speak, "Um...Flower? Are you sick?" She asked nervously. "What? Of course not!" I replied, "I'm not sick! It's just a little cough."

Everyone relaxed a bit, although the tension was still in the air. Everyone was still uneasy from Cloudy's death...even the slightest cough was enough to put everyone on edge.

But I wasn't sick! People can cough without being sick, I probably just breathed something in! Everything was fine.

Pencil took a deep breath and started the car again. I could see her looking back at me in the rear-view mirror, like she didn't trust me. I guess I didn't blame her, but I just had to prove that I was healthy.

Ruby punched me on the arm jokingly, "Jeez, don't scare us like that!"

I laughed awkwardly, "Sorry...it just slipped out!"

"It's fine, Flower! I know you don't actually have it. If you say you don't feel sick, then I believe you!" She smiled at me. I smiled back, but...I felt guilty, in a way. I wasn't lying to her- I really didn't feel sick, but what if this was only the beginning? What if I did have it, it just didn't kick in yet?

No. I can't think like that. The disease kicks in really fast, Cloudy died almost immediately. If I had it, I would've died a long time ago. That still didn't stop the others from being a bit uncomfortable, though. But it'd be fine! All I had to do was show how healthy I was, and they'd understand.

After a few hours of silence, Fanny spoke. "So, we're all just going to pretend nothing happened?"

"What do you mean?" Bubble asked.

"She's sick!" She pointed at me angrily, "She's infected! I hate how you're all letting this happen!"

Ruby stood up to defend me, "Stop it! You cant just, like, accuse her like that! She didn't do anything wrong!"

"Don't you remember? She's the only one out of all of us who didn't wear a mask. I refuse to believe that this is some kind of coincidence." Fanny stood up as well.

Pencil stopped the car again, but didn't speak. She still had her back turned to us as they continued to argue. Everyone paused, remembering how I refused to wear a mask. I just...wanted everyone to see my true beauty! A mask would cover that up. Now I see how stupid that was, but...I can't back down now.

"It was only for like, two minutes!" I yelled, "I wasn't near anybody, and the air was already clear! There's no way I could've gotten it from that!" Fanny glared at me, "You're gonna get us all killed!" She yelled back.

"Alright, that's enough!" Match yelled from the front of the van. She had stood up, so she was facing everyone completely. "Stop, like, arguing! It's not going to do anything. We just have to...get through this. We have to stick together, and be a team! We can't keep-"

Fanny laughed, as if to mock what she was saying. "Stick together? Be a team? You've got to be kidding me. What happened to only caring about your alliance, huh? No, not even that...you didn't even care about them! All you've ever cared about was yourself. You threaten us...electuocute me...manipulate Bubble into thinking she's worthless! And now you're standing there, all high and mighty, preaching about teamwork and friendship?" She sat back down, having proved her point. "You haven't changed, Match. Your only doing this because it makes yourself feel better."

Match stood in shock. She didn't speak, she didn't have a sassy remark or anything like that. She just sat down. I was happy Fanny stood up to her like that, but now the tension was even thicker. I'm just glad it wasn't about me, though.

Bubble's POV:

When Fanny was done, the van was completely silent. I couldn't stop thinking about her words...was Match really manipulating me? I mean...I thought she was my friend, but I guess when you look at it that way, we weren't. I was always...so afraid around her. Like if I did one thing wrong, made one little mistake...she'd demote me. Scream at me. Hurt my friends...

"F-Fanny?" I said hesitantly. I wasn't sure if she'd be mad at me for bothering her, since she still seemed a bit angry. She turned to me, and for a second I thought she was going to yell, but she relaxed when she saw it was me. "...What?" She said, still sounding a bit annoyed. Feeling bold, and just...needing a way to express my emotions, I hugged her.

"Thank you for doing that. I...never even realized how bad Match was."

Her eyes widened, and she tensed up a bit. She didn't pull away, though, which is the reaction I was expecting. She even leaned in a bit, "Yeah, whatever. I just couldn't let it keep happening. I hate her."

I thought for a moment, still holding her in my arms. A light blue dusted my cheeks, and I could feel my face heating up. The sun was beginning to set, and the warm gradient sky could be seen outside the window. Yellow and orange light from the sun pooled into the car, and made the atmosphere all the more comforting. It was a nice change, from the discomfort that was in the air just a minute before. I'm sure the others still felt that same discomfort, but...all I felt was warmth.

"Yeah...I hate her too."

a/n: hey lol sorry if u like match but i dont


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