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Gelatin's POV:

I'm not safe.

On the first couple days, everything was fine. We were just chilling on the grass like normal. The only difference was we were alone. We could see other teams from far away, but...we stayed our distance. Everyone did, it seemed like the only teams that were less than 50 feet apart were Beep and Bleh.

Bracelety spent most of her time staring at Ice Cube's team. It seemed like the more time she spent away from her, the more her obsession grew. She constantly talked about her, going on and on about how much she missed her, and how much she couldn't wait to see her again. Usually she was calm and happy, staring in Icy's direction dreamily. Other times...she would have full on breakdowns. Screaming, crying...begging to be able to see her. Donut and Barf Bag were always there to help her though it. I would too, but...I'm not the best at calming people down.

As the days went by, spending every waking second of the day with these people...I started to notice certain things.

My team was disgusting, to say the least. Everyone in it...was completely unsanitary. With the knowledge of a deadly pandemic in my mind...I saw everything. I felt every germ on my skin. Every little particle...I could practically see it. Spongey's always been disgusting, and Barf Bag is...well, an actual barf bag. Bracelety didn't care at all about germs or anything, and neither did Naily. The only person with any sort of sense was Donut, but...that wasn't enough.

I could feel the dirt from the ground sticking to my skin. I was never like this before...I used to love playing in dirt, and mud, and having fun...but now, I could feel every particle of air that I came into contact with. It felt like it was going under my skin, deep inside where I couldn't wipe it off. No matter how many times I scrubbed, or scraped...it wouldn't come off. If I wasn't clean, I could get sick. I could die. I...I'm too young to die...I don't want to get the disease! If my team mates aren't going to care, then...I'll just have to do it myself.

Barf Bag's POV:

I was worried about Gelatin. He was getting more distant, closed off. I didn't know why...he's supposed to be super energetic and fun! Well...I guess it's hard to be upbeat in this situation, but...I didn't like seeing him like this. I didn't like it at all. He just...sat by himself, staring at us and giving me and Spongey weird looks. It was like he was mad at us...but I didn't know why. Did I do something wrong? Maybe I did something to upset him...I mean, I'm more than used to people not trusting me. People always assume the worst of me because of the "barf molecules" but...Gelatin was different. He trusted me...my whole team did! Or so I thought...

Well...maybe I was overthinking. I guess he could've just been stressed, and it might not have anything to do with me, but...the way he looked at me...it was like he hated me. Spongey, too. I knew Gelatin was making him uncomfortable, and I didn't blame him.

I wanted to ask what was wrong, but...something was telling me not to. He was my friend...I had no need to be afraid, but he wasn't being himself. I barely even recognized him.

No...he was the same as always. He was just...adjusting to the situation. We all were, he was just taking it the worst.

I walked up to him. He looked surprised I came over, but he continued staring at the floor. I sat next to him, still keeping my distance. I wasn't... scared of him, I was just being careful. I wasn't wrong to be a little nervous... stress gets to people in strange ways.

"Hey, Gelatin..." I said, and got no response. "Look, I... I wanted to talk to you about something." I paused, waiting for some kind of answer, but he acted like I wasn't even there. "You've just been acting weird lately. Especially towards me and Spongey... I mean, did we do something wrong? I know that this whole thing is stressful, but... you're really worrying me. What... happened?"

He still said nothing, and for a moment I wondered if he could still speak at all. I sat there with him for a few minutes, unsure wether I should leave or not. When I was about to get up, his voice broke through the silence.

"I'm sorry, Barf Bag." His voice trailed off into a whisper as he said my name. I sat back down, listening intently for him to continue, but he never did. He remained as silent as he was before. I sighed, putting my hand on his shoulder in an effort to comfort him. "It's alright, Gelatin. I know that it's hard, and-"

He grabbed my hand and forcefully shoved me backwards. I fell to the floor, and hit my head on the ground. He stared down at me with fear in his eyes. Why was... he scared? Was he scared of me? I didn't do anything wrong... why would he be afraid?

"Ow..." I said, sitting up and rubbing my head. He walked away, sitting at a different spot on the grass. Well... he'll come around soon. I wasn't exactly sure what was wrong with him, but I knew he'd be okay. He just needed to adjust to the situation. Plus, it's only been around a few weeks... soon enough, he'd be back to his usual self! I was sure of it.

I got up and walked back to the others. Donut seemed to be waiting for me. "Are you okay?" He asked, and I realized he was watching the whole thing. "Yeah, I'll be alright." I replied, smiling. He still looked unsure. "Well... let's just hope he snaps out of it. I don't need to deal with that, too. Bracelety's already taking up most of my energy."

I glanced behind him, seeing Bracelety and Naily sitting together. She seemed pretty calm, but I knew how bad she could get. She just couldn't understand why she wasn't allowed to see Ice Cube. She just needed to realize that... she could get sick. It wasn't a punishment or anything, it was just... how things were. Soon, she'd get used to this too. My whole team just needed a bit of time to adjust to this challenge, that's it! In a matter of time, we'd all be okay. It'd be just like normal.

I trusted us.

a/n: i literally wrote this weeks ago and it didnt save😭😭
anyways yeah! i didnt forget about them dwdw

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