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Grassy's POV:
I missed Rocky...Golf Ball said Rocky was dangerous, and I couldn't see him! I didn't think that was fair. I didn't like her laboratory, either. That's where we were staying, since Four didn't give us houses. I just wanted to see all my friends!

I liked my team too, but everyone was so sad. Blocky and Golf Ball were mad at eachother, and I hadn't seen 8 Ball in a while. I asked where he went, but Basket Ball said not to worry about it. Tennis Ball was really nice to me, but he looked super tired all the time. I think Golf Ball made him work too much, but he kept saying he was fine.

We all had our own rooms, Golf Ball had prepared them in case a challenge like this happened. She always thought ahead. I thought she was so cool, because of how smart she was, but I didn't like how bossy she was. She always told everyone what to do, and if you messed up, or refused, she would scream at you. She usually didn't make me do things, which was good. I still didn't like when she yelled at other people...I felt bad for them. She was scary when she was mad.

I was sitting in my room, coloring my team. Basket Ball made coloring books for me since we didn't have any. She liked to draw, so she let me color in her drawings! She drew a big picture of our team, and I was filling it in with bright, pretty colors. I only had a few crayons, so the colors weren't perfect, but it was still fun. Once I was done, I brought it downstairs to show everyone. As I walked down, I heard people talking. It got louder as I got closer, and soon I realized they were yelling. I peeked around the corner, and saw everyone (except 8 Ball) arguing with eachother. They were all distracted. I glanced at my drawing, and realized I could go see Rocky. Only for a few minutes, they wouldn't even realize I was gone. I just needed to see him for a minute, just to make sure he was okay. I could show him my drawings too! I ran upstairs to my room and grabbed as many drawings as I could. I was so excited to see him!

Basket Ball's POV:
8 Ball was sick. Not in the same way as Cloudy, though. 8 Ball had sores all over his body. Blue blood oozed out of them, and it looked incredibly painful. He had been quarantining in his room for days, not able to see anyone. We gave him food on the first day, but I was afraid he might've been running out. I wasn't sure how hungry he was, so he might've eaten all of it already. I tried to convince Golf Ball to get him more food, but she wasn't listening. "He could starve in there! You can't seriously just want to leave him."

"He's sick. He's infected, Basket Ball. We can't risk anything!"

"By giving him some food? I'm not talking about french kissing him, for Christ's sake!"

"Even being in the same room as him could spread it!"

"You don't know that!" I screamed. She glared at me, clearly not wanting to back down. "You've seen his condition. Even if he gets food, he's not going to live long anyway. We shouldn't compromise our health for someone who could die tomorrow!"

She looked shocked after she said that, almost like it was someone else who said it entirely, but she covered it up and kept a strong face. I couldn't believe it. She just wanted to let him rot in there! He was going to die, and she was letting it happen. I shook my head and stormed off, not wanting to continue talking to her. I went to Grassy's room to check how his drawing was going. I held the doorknob and took a deep breath, calming myself down from the argument. I gently opened the door...


The room was empty. He was gone, along with a handful of drawings. Paper was scattered across the floor, almost making a trail towards the door. He must've dropped them on his way out...I started to panic. I left him alone, and he left. He was gone. It was my fault...I ran downstairs, completely forgetting about the argument. Golf Ball heard my footsteps and turned around, clearly annoyed. She was about to say something, but I interrupted her.

"Grassy's gone!"

a/n: peep the ddlc reference
and woah!! abntt!! look at em go
yeah uh grassy left💃 he just wants to see his bestie

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