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Basket Ball's POV:
The whole team was searching for Grassy. Me, Blocky, and TV were searching outside, while Golf Ball, Tennis Ball, and Robot Flower stayed within the laboratory. He couldn't have gone far, but I didn't see him anywhere. We had been looking for a few hours. "I don't think he's out here, BB." Blocky said, "We should go back, GB and TB probably already found him." I didn't want to give up so quickly. "No, we can't give up. TB would come get us if he was down there." Blocky sighed, and we continued searching.

A few hours later, we were pretty far away from the lab, and I realized maybe Blocky was right. I was about to say something, when TV spoke using BFDI lines, "Over There!" He pointed with his leg over to a large team on the grass. We ran over immediately and saw Grassy talking to Rocky and Teardrop. Blocky walked up and scooped him up, "We were looking all over for you! You can't run off like that!" Grassy looked sad, "But Grassy just wanted to see Grassy's friend!" I knew he had no idea how bad the situation was, so I didn't blame him. He's just a little kid, after all. Just a kid wanting to see his best friend. He didn't understand why he wasn't allowed to see him anymore. Blocky tried to explain why we had to go back, while I turned to the teams he was with. "Why'd you let him get so close?" I asked, more angrily than I intended. They put him in danger, but I didn't know the full story. Maybe they tried to get him to leave, and he wouldn't. Nickel responded without looking up from what he was doing, "Don't ask me. Ask all-mighty Balloony over here." Balloony looked upset from that, "Stop calling me that! And I told you, there's nothing wrong with letting Rocky have some fun. Poor kid's probably traumatized from this whole thing!"

They continued to argue, and Lollipop turned to me. She had been playing cards with Leafy and Teardrop, "Sorry about that. They've been at it for quite a while." I shook my head, "No, it's fine! We're all a little on edge..." Blocky called out from behind me, "Hey, BB! Let's go back to the lab!" "Alright, just one sec!" I responded. Lollipop looked back at her cards, "You know, you should feel lucky you have a place to stay. The only other team with shelter is living in a shed." I thought about it for a moment. She was right, we were lucky. We shouldn't take that for granted, no matter how bad we think we have it. Of course, the situation was still awful...but it could've been a lot worse. I looked around at the teams on the grass, and I felt awful...they had nothing. It was a miracle they were even alive. I was lost in thought, and didn't even realize Blocky calling my name until Lollipop snapped me back into reality. "Um, I think you're needed elsewhere."

I quickly turned around, and Blocky was waving at me. "Oh, sorry!" I yelled, running towards him. I thought a lot about what Lollipop said. I didn't even realize how fortunate we were to be able to live in Golf Ball's lab. I mean, she might be bossy at times, but in the end she was giving us a place to stay. I should start being more grateful...

"What were you two talking about, anyway?" Blocky asked, and I just shook my head. "Nothing important- hey, is that Tennis Ball?" I looked forward, and saw a green object in the distance. When we got closer, I realized that I was right, it was TB.

"Oh, good! You found him!" He said, "We were getting worried since we couldnt find him in the lab!" Grassy ran towards him and he knelt down, letting the little boy jump on his head. He stood up again, Grassy still happily sitting on top of him, and asked, "Where was he?"

"He was talking to Rocky. I guess he missed him..." I explained. TB furrowed his brow, "Oh...GB's not gonna be happy about that," He muttered nervously. I asked why, and he opened his mouth to say something, but didn't. Instead, he flashed us a smile, although I could tell it wasn't authentic.

"Nevermind. Let's just go back to the lab! I'm sure everyone will be happy to see that Grassy's safe," He looked up, gesturing to the bundle of grass before making his way to the lab, us following close behind.

We all walked down the stairs, and when we made it to the living room, Golf Ball was already there. She looked exhausted, the dark circles under her eyes were extremely visible. Her round glasses were uneven, slightly tilting to the right. When she saw us, her dark eyes lit up for just a moment. "You found him! Hm...I was sure he'd be inside...79.384% sure to be exact..." She looked annoyed, but her words made it sound like she was excited.

She looked at Tennis Ball, and her tone suddenly changed. She sounded more demanding, angry. "Where was he...?"

TB gulped, and leaned over to let him down on the ground. He slid off, and was about to run to GB, but Blocky put his hand out to stop him. Grassy looked up at him with a sad expression, but when he saw Blocky's stern face he stopped. I turned my attention back to TB, who was sweating nervously. "They...saw him with another team." He said quietly. I was confused as to why he was so scared to tell her. I mean...she was his friend, right? Surely she'd be understanding.

"What did you say?" She growled, taking a step towards us. Subconsiously, I backed away. She had this...dark, creepy aura around her. I didn't know what was wrong with her, but...I didn't like it.

"They found him with another team." Tennis Ball repeated, his voice breaking. Her eyes widened, and she looked at Grassy. Her eyes were peircing through his soul, and he cowered away im fear. He held onto  a piece of Tennis Ball's fluff and hid behind him, shutting his eyes. Blocky looked at GB angrily, "Hey- calm down! He didn't know, he's just a, it's not even that big of a deal."

She looked infuriated. "Not a big deal? NOT A BIG DEAL? He could be sick! Just look at how many people he's touched..." She screamed, taking steps back, as if she herself was afraid. "He could have infected you..." She pointed at me, and there was a glint in her eyes. "Or you...or you...or you...." She traced her finger down the line of objects in front of her. I stepped forwards, before saying, "H-he's...he's not sick, Golf's okay! He's aren't acting like yourself- please, just calm down...we can talk about this..." I tried my best to get her to be reasonable, but it seemed to only make her more upset.

Tears formed in her eyes, and she flinched at my movement. "GET AWAY FROM ME!" She yelled, and I backed up once again.

She took a shaky breath, and her glasses fell to the floor. A shard broke off of them, and she picked them up and put them back on as if nothing happened. "We have to quarantine him." She said, extremely calmly compared to the breakdown she had moments before. "He can't leave his too, Tennis Ball." TB looked petrified, too scared to speak. Lastly, she turned to me. "And you."

No. No...this couldn't be happening.

We all saw what happened to 8 Ball...we all saw how GB just...forgot about him. Left him to die...I don't want to end up like that. Tennis Ball shook his head, "G...Golf can't be serious..." He choked out, and she ignored him, turning around.

"Go into your rooms," She said coldly. "I'll provide you with necessities."

Me and TB looked at eachother, both knowing what was going to happen. GB started walking, and we hesitantly made our way up the stairs.


We were walking to our own graves.

The place that was once my room, now became a coffin.

I was going to die in there.

a/n: wowowwow gbs kinda insane lmaojshfk
so basically school sucks ass but its okay!!! new chapter after dissapearing for like a month!!!

i also lost motivation buuut im doin better now so >:))))

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