A Better Name Than That

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Blocky's POV:
Only three hours after the challenge started, and Golf Ball was already being a bossy bot. She had this whole plan where she was going to study Cloudy's body to find a cure for the disease, which didn't make sense to me at all. The disease was created by Four, it probably has some alien-magic in it that can't be cured with whatever she has. It was a waste of time, but oh well. At least we were trying. I'd heard that two teams already left completely. What jerks, leaving us all here to fend for ourselves.

Golf Ball made us all put on these special masks from her underground lab, which made it extremely hard to breathe. We had to wait for an hour for her to set up her supplies, and then she made me do all the work! She gave me a nuclear-grade suit that covered my whole body, and I had to drag Cloudy's lifeless body across the entire field and carry him down the stairs. He was light, but that wasn't the problem. The hard part was trying not to look at his face. His face was twisted into a harsh grimace, his eyes wide open, almost popping out of his skull. Dried blood and snot made lines down his face where he'd coughed it out, and the worst part...there was a blue liquid pouring out of his eyes. It was unsettling, but...I suppose it isn't too strange, since it came from Four. He looked like he was in so much pain...I couldn't bare to look at him, but at the same time I couldn't look away. I carried his stiff body all the way down the stairs, and placed him on the table Golf Ball had instructed me to. "Took you long enough!" She yelled. I just rolled my eyes, not wanting to argue. She scoffed and grabbed her supplies. I watched as she took a small metal tool, like the ones dentists use, and look into his mouth. She studied his face, taking samples of his blood and mucus for testing. I left the room and started walking up the stairs for some fresh air. From behind me I heard her yell, "Tennis Ball! Come here, I need you to do something!" I had no idea why he was so loyal. He did everything she asked like a dog, while it didn't even seem like she cared! They were together all the time. Actually, I don't think I've ever seen them apart. Ever since we were kids, in BFDI.


It's hard to believe how much time had passed. We all changed so much...and yet, we all stayed the same. I missed the announcer. He never would've let this happen...I sat on the grass, thinking about the past. I remembered my old pranks. I remembered the old challenges. I remembered when we almost got Dream Island...the chase when we realized who stole it.

It had started raining, but I didn't care. I took my suit off and felt the cool rain drop on my skin. It felt nice, to get a break from everything. I closed my eyes, thinking about what life was like back then. Back when we didn't have a care in the world. Me, Eraser, and Pen always had so much fun together...


Now I'll never see them again.

The realization hit me like a brick. I'll never get to see them again. They could be sick...they could be dead already. Either way, I'll never talk to them again. My face was wet with rain and tears. God, I hated crying. But I couldn't hold it in. I held my knees close to my chest and I cried, I cried for what felt like hours. I just wanted to see my friends again, but that would never happen. All I could do was hope they were safe.

Golf Ball's POV:
God, Blocky's useless. He dragged Cloudy on the ground, and he was covered in dirt! I had to call Tennis Ball to help clean it up. A body has to be perfectly contaminated before you run tests on it, it's obvious! Once TB cleaned the body, I could get to work. I did some small tests, like taking blood and mucus samples. I also took a sample of the strange liquid coming from his eyes. It looked almost like blood, only the wrong color. I paused before looking into his mouth. Sometimes in this type of death, the tongue will have some discoloration, but that was not the case. His tongue was perfectly normal. In fact, everything about him looked normal, except the blue liquid. I sighed, knowing I had no other choice but to study him internally.

I grabbed my scalpel, and motioned for TB to leave the room. I knew he was sensitive to that sort of stuff. I took a deep breath, before making a small incision on his throat. Wiping back the blood, I saw something I'd never seen before. His trachea was completely crushed. The pipe that air goes through, it was squeezed shut to the point where nothing could go through, almost making an hour glass shape. I winced, knowing how painful that must've been. I stitched the wound back together, and put a sheet over him. I stood there for a moment. This disease, it's so...brutal. It happens so quick, and yet it's the most painful thing I could ever imagine. I had to be careful, running all the tests. I didn't want to get sick.

I got up and brought the samples to my lab for testing. I already had plenty of info on what exactly the disease does, but I still needed to find a cure. And it was going to take a lot more than just one body.

a/n: poor blocky :( he just wants to see his besties
yeah go golf ball!! find that cure #girlboss
woah some info on the disease :00

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