Free Food

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Puffball's POV:
It had been a few days, and Bell was getting worse. We thought she was sick. She'd been getting weaker and weaker...but, I didn't think it was the disease. She hadn't been coughing like Cloudy, and it was definitely going a lot slower than what he had, but I wasn't taking any chances. The rest of the team was helping her, giving her food and medicine (from Yellow Face's store), asking her how she feels, always so close to her. They took off her mask, trying to make it easier to breathe. It was...terrifying. I didn't want to be anywhere near her. I tried to keep my distance, but the whole team thought I was being selfish. I did want to help her...she was my friend! But was it really worth it? If it was the disease, then she was going to die anyway. It didn't make sense dragging us with her.

...That sounds horrible, doesn't it? I know it was bad, but...I just didn't want to get sick. That's what the challenge was, right? Don't get sick. I was just following the rules...

That didn't stop the others. I knew they hated me, the way they looked and talked about me made that obvious. I guess they were right, though. It was a selfish thing to do, ignore someone who needed help, but I just wanted to get out alive.

Watching them talk to her was always painful. I knew what they were saying...I could hear them, even from far away. "I'm sorry Puffball doesn't want to help," or, "I don't know why she's acting like this..." They always made me seem like the bad guy! Bell must've hated me too, even in her weak state. She was always resting on the ground, her string dangling loosely above her. The other's tried to get her to float, but she couldn't. She was getting paler and paler by the minute. I felt bad for her, I truly did, but I didn't want to catch whatever she had. Even if it wasn't the disease, I still didn't want to get sick. The challenge was to stay healthy, Four didn't specify "stay healthy from this specific disease," they were very vague. I was concerned about staying alive, of course, but...why not win the challenge while I'm at it? 

Foldy's POV:
Seeing Bell so made me feel awful. I tried helping her, and being encouraging, was no use. She was practically already gone...

"Hey, It's alright! You're doing great."

"Everything will be okay! You're going to be fine."

"You'll get better soon!"


They were all lies. She wasn't doing great, she could barely lift her head up. She wasn't going to be fine. She wasn't going to get better soon. I felt like crying every time I saw her. I knew she was going to die, but...I still tried to make the last moments of her life bearable. Unlike her.

Puffball. She wasn't helping at all. How could she see Bell, her friend, her teammate, in so much pain, and not help? I thought she was a good person, but I guess not. She was cold, and heartless. She only cared about herself.

Fries had been doing worse, too. Not physically, he didn't look sick at all, but he stopped talking to everyone. He and Puffball were close, and I guess it hurt to see her betray the team like that. Eraser told me that she'd done that before, in BFDIA. Apparently, in the last challenge, she made her whole team lose just to get a prize for herself. I can't believe I didn't find out sooner how terrible she was. Fries helped Bell with the rest of us, but he didn't say anything. I felt bad for him, even though I had no idea why he cared about Puffball so much. She didn't deserve it. She didn't deserve anything.


As the days went by, I found that my skin was getting irritated. My legs were itchy and red, and raw where I'd  been scratching them. Stapy made me put bandages on them, to stop me from itching. They burned like crazy, but I tried to ignore it. I probably touched poison ivy or something, it would go away. All that mattered was making sure Bell was okay. Even though I wasn't sure if she ever would be...

All I could do was hope.

a/n: sorry this chapter is shorter!! :[
yes puffy avoid that disease hashtag girlboss
oh and yeah foldys doing stuff good for her

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