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Pen's POV:
We had been stuck in that room for who knows how long. It felt like months, but it was probably only a few weeks. Every second dragged along like years. I was so sick of this, staying in the same small room. We couldn't leave at all, Tree wouldn't let us. He convinced himself that we'd drop dead the second we step out the door. We thought we'd be out by now...we thought Four would've come back, but we were wrong.

The only person who was allowed outside was Black Hole. He didn't breathe, so he couldn't get the disease. He was always sent to get food, or to check on the others. He was our only connection to the outside, telling us if anybody died, or was sick. Apparently Bell and 8 Ball were infected. Nobody died yet, though. Except Cloudy, of course.

We all had our own areas, which just meant our own corner of the room. Calling it an 'area' makes it sound more pleasant, like we had our own rooms with privacy and living space. That wasn't it. We were packed into a shed like sardines. The ceiling wasn't very high either, and my back hurt from crouching over. It was driving me crazy, but the others didn't know. I tried to stay positive, even if that's not how I really felt. I kept everyone entertained, showing off cool tricks with whatever I could find, or telling cool stories. I never talked about life before the challenge, though. In reality, I did it to distract myself. Thinking about what life used to be...that made me sad. I didn't want to think about the situation, so I didn't. I kept my mind on other things, and that's what kept me going. Of course, there were things that snapped me back into reality.

Bottle. She always talked about the outside. She always went on and on about what life used to be. I couldn't take it anymore, her voice constantly piercing through my ears, reminding me of how miserable I was. She talked about how much she missed her friends, how much she wanted to see them again. She had no idea. Every waking second of the day, I thought of Eraser. I missed him and Blocky so much...though, I knew I'd never see them again. That's why I didn't want to think about it. I didn't want to think about how they were probably dead already, or at least injured. I didn't want to think about how they probably hated me for leaving them without saying goodbye...or maybe they were worried. Maybe they were terrified, always wondering if I was okay. I didn't want them to worry, I wanted to tell them I was fine, and how much I cared about them. We were never very affectionate to eachother, afraid we would come off as less masculine. We wasted our lives...I don't think I ever said how much I appreciated them. I wanted to go back. I wanted to go back and finally say, "I love you."

Not in a romantic way, of course.


No, it was romantic. I didn't want to admit it, but...I loved Eraser. I loved him with all my heart, and I missed my chance. Now, I would never see him again. I would die in this room, never even knowing if he felt the same. If only I told him.

Bottle's voice filled the room once again. It was early morning, and I was laying down in the corner, mentally begging her to shut up. I just wanted her to be quiet. I wanted a break from her constant talking. She had her back turned towards me, probably thinking I was asleep. She was mindlessly chatting with Tree and Pillow about who knows what. They all smiled and laughed, in their own little world. It made me sick. Her voice sent waves of pain into my ears and through my brain. I couldn't think of anything but shutting her up. I wanted nothing more than silence.

What happened next was all a blur. I felt almost...detached from reality, I wasn't thinking at all. My brain was only set on silencing her. All I remember was after standing above her, all eyes on me, as she lay broken on the floor.

Tree's POV:
We were all having a good time. Bottle was telling us a story while Pen lay down in the opposite corner. He was glaring at us the whole time, especially Bottle. He got up after a while and before we could do anything about it, he shoved her to the ground with pure rage in his eyes. Upon impact, a large shard of her head broke off. Her entire body had scars, like she could shatter at any moment. She looked like a puzzle that had been put together, with one large piece missing. I ran to her side immediately, grabbing the shard from the floor. She was screaming and crying, "It hurts! It hurts! Make it stop!" I tried to hold her still so I could put the piece back in, but she kept moving. I tried to calm her down, "Hey, you're going to be okay, Bottle. Just...keep breathing. Focus on me." She looked at me with pain in her eyes. I didn't realize, but I was clutching the glass shard tight enough to make my hand bleed. I loosened my grip on it and carefully placed it in the missing piece, all while everyone was watching. The glass had blood on it from my hands, and I tried my best to wipe it off. When I was finished, I looked down at my hands. They were shaking uncontrollably. I looked up at Pen, who was staring at her in shock. I wasn't sure what came over him, but I didn't want to find out. I turned my attention back to Bottle, "Just rest for now. It's going to be okay." Her crying died down, but tears still fell from her eyes. I stayed with her, making sure she was alright for the rest of the day. I wasn't thinking about anything else. All that mattered in that moment was making sure she was okay.

I wasn't going to let anyone die.

a/n: god i love writing death pact
cutely sneaks in penraser
also yeah bottles hurt lmao pen was in a silly goofy mood

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