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Coiny's POV:
Me and Pin were on our own, free from The Losers for good. It's a fitting name, if you think about it. They were going to lose this challenge. Sooner or later, Loser would face the consequences of his actions, and get sick. If we hadn't left, we would too. We mostly stayed in the woods, not too far from the field. We lived off whatever we could find, mostly berries. I had a plan I hadn't told Pin about yet. We needed supplies, we couldn't continue on with nothing. I wanted to go back to the team, and take some stuff with us. It wasn't stealing, of course. Four gave each team just enough for everyone, so all we would be doing is taking our share of the stuff. Plus, we could take some food with us as well. I knew Loser had a stash of snacks, (that's just how amazing he is. I had no idea how things always went his way, but it wasn't fair.) I'm sure it'd be fine if we just took a little bit, just enough to stay alive.

We were walking in the woods, not going anywhere in particular. Just in need of something to do. I wanted to bring up my plan, but I wasn't sure if she'd be on board. She might say it was a bad idea, or that it was wrong. She'd be right, but we had no other choice. I cleared my throat, and she turned her attention towards me. "Y'know...we can't go on like this." "What do you mean?" She asked, I stopped walking, and she did the same. "This whole thing! We don't have enough food, or recourses..." I subconsciously lowered my voice, as if someone was standing behind me listening to my every word. "I think we should take stuff from The Losers." It felt weird, talking about that team in the third person. I still wasn't used to separating myself from them. She looked a bit shocked, but then she nodded, "You're right. We can't keep doing this...I just wasn't sure what to do about it." I was surprised she agreed so fast, but it was a pleasant surprise. I didn't want to have to argue with her, especially since it was only us. If we split up, we'd both be alone. I guess, strategically, that makes the most sense. If you're completely isolated, that means you have nobody to get you sick. It would be the quickest way to win the challenge, but I didn't care. I didn't want to leave her alone. I felt...happy, when I was around her. When I was with her, it was like this challenge didn't even exist. It was just us, against the world. And I had no intention of changing that.

I reached my hand out for her to hold, and she did. We continued walking, and after a while we came across a hill. She laughed, and suggested we run down it. I was hesitant at first, but she looked so innocent. So childlike. She just wanted to enjoy this moment, and I wasn't going to take that from her.

We made our way down the hill, picking up speed as we went on. I didn't realize how far down it was. It got steeper and steeper, faster and faster, and we were having the time of our lives. I felt the wind rush past me and I felt like I was flying, my legs moving on their own with the momentum of the steep hill. I heard Pin's joyful laughter beside me, and I laughed as well. We didn't have a care in the world. I started to pick up speed, but I didn't notice. It wasn't until I felt a tug on my hand, and heard her voice, "Hey— Coiny, wait!" I turned around, but I was going too fast and I couldn't stop. I pulled her too far, and she fell into me. Her sharp point sliced into my mouth, and she rolled down the hill past me. I put my hand to my lip, feeling the blood from the fresh wound. It stung, but I continued running down the hill. Pin lay at the bottom, and when I caught up to her, I knelt by her side. "Pin, are you okay? Are you hurt?" She sat up, clutching her head, and nodded, "M-my head..." I removed her hand and saw a large bruise on the side of her head. I winced, knowing how painful it must've been. I put my arm around her, still using the other to cover my mouth, and helped her up. She stumbled a bit, and put all her weight on me to keep steady. Her eyes were half-closed, and it looked like she was about to pass out. I brought her to a log, and sat her down.

I held up two fingers in front of her and asked, "How many fingers am I holding up?" She focused for a while, too long for such a simple question, "Four...?" She said groggily. I sighed, realizing she had a concussion. "It'll be okay, just need some rest. We'll sleep here for a while, and I'm sure you'll be fine in no time!" I tried to stay positive, even if I didn't know how long it would be until she was okay. She gave me a weak smile, and lay down on the log. I sat next to it, removing my hand from my mouth and seeing the blood. There was a lot more than I thought. I made a mental note to steal bandages from The Losers, if they had any. Maybe some ice, too, for Pin's head. For now, all we could do was rest.

a/n: shout out to my mom for telling me abt concussions for this
writing pin and coiny make me go <333
even tho theyre both injured lol

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