Beep and Bleh

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Teardrop's POV:
I was fine with combining teams at first, but I forgot about Woody. I just wanted to be able to see Leafy, but he won't stop talking to me. All these years, and he still won't leave me alone. How am I supposed to tell him I'm not interested, when I can't talk? I've tried sign language. I've tried writing it on a piece of paper (he ran away because the pencil I used was gray, his biggest fear). I've even tried kicking him in the face! He just won't give up. I wish I could scream at him. I wish I could yell, "I don't like you!" to his face, but I can't. Even if I did, he probably still wouldn't get the message.

I was sitting on the grass, listening to Leafy talk about her "loyalty list". She kept track of how trust worthy every contestant was in a long scroll of paper. I was second, only behind herself. Some thought it was weird, but I thought it was cool how much dedication she put into it. Last on the list was Match and Pencil. I expected it to be Firey, but I guess she forgave him for not letting her into Dream Island.

Everyone was mourning over Cloudy's death, even those of us who didn't know him too well. Seeing him die like that really scared me...he looked like he was in excruciating pain. At one point, he looked directly into my eyes. His sunken, bloodshot eyes were staring into my soul, almost calling out for help, and I couldn't do anything. I couldn't help him. I just had to watch, along with everyone else. Balloony had become more assertive as a leader. I guess losing Cloudy made him realize we couldn't mess around in this challenge. He gave stricter rules to his team. Both teams agreed that we were still separate, we were just staying together. Book still was the leader of our team, and Balloony was still the leader of theirs, so I didn't have to follow his rules.

I noticed Balloony and Nickel arguing a lot more. I guess Nickel didn't like how Balloony was acting. He wasn't much of a follower, so having someone always tell him what to do was getting on his nerves. My team wasn't doing any better, though. Book kept avoiding Taco, saying she was infected and dangerous. Taco had no symptoms whatsoever, she was perfectly healthy. At one point, Book even blamed the whole challenge on her! Their one-sided rivalry was getting ridiculous. I had no idea why Book was so mean to her...she did nothing wrong. It wasn't fair.

I looked up, and saw someone walking towards us. It was the first time someone had left their team, so I was a bit surprised. Since I couldn't say anything, I tapped on Leafy's shoulder and pointed in the direction they were coming from. She looked over, and yelled, "Oh, someone's coming!"

Everyone turned their heads, and soon we saw it was Grassy. He came running with a handful of papers, and by the time he got to us he was out of breath. "Grassy came to see Rocky! Grassy wants to show Rocky some pictures!" He said with a smile. Rocky's face lit up upon seeing his best friend, and he instantly ran over. Grassy dropped everything he was holding and hugged him like they hadn't seen eachother in months. I thought it was cute, but Nickel looked furious. "Hey, back off! You might be spreading germs." He yelled. Grassy looked confused, "But...Grassy isn't sick! Grassy feels perfectly fine!" Nickel rolled his eyes, and before he could say anything else Balloony cut in. "It should be fine, there's no harm in letting them see eachother for a little while." Nickel somehow looked personally offended by this.

"Are you kidding me? Some little kid comes rushing in, and you just let him? What happened to King Balloony, huh? Why are you suddenly being so generous?"

"Come on, Nickel. Don't be ridiculous. Letting them see eachother won't do any harm. Grassy said it himself, he feels perfectly fine."

Nickel laughed, but not in a casual way. He laughed in a "I can't believe how stupid what you just said was" way. "Oh, well in THAT case, everything's fine, right? We should just all take our masks off and go about our lives, because we feel fine! Let's go see all the other teams, it's not like anybody died!"

Balloony turned away, and there was a glint of sorrow in his eyes. "Just let the kids play, Nickel." His voice was shaky, and I knew he was still in pain by Cloudy's death. I mean, why wouldn't he be? They were close. Nickel still looked angry, but he took the hint and stopped. The whole time, Grassy was showing Rocky his drawings, sitting on the grass next to eachother. I wanted to get away from the drama, so I walked over to them. I pointed at a particular drawing, and he held it up to me. It was of Golf Ball, and she was colored in with a light blue. I assumed it was because he didn't have gray. She had frowny faces drawn all around her, and I gestured to them with a questioning look. He looked at the paper, "Oh, well Grassy was mad at GB when Grassy drew this, so Grassy put frowns! GB was yelling at TB which made Grassy sad," He explained. I nodded, knowing how bossy GB can be. I sat down next to him and he continued to explain his art to me. The rest of the team was silent, especially Balloony. I wondered when Grassy's team would come pick him up.

a/n: aww look at grassy and rocky :]
and slight leafdrop??? possibly????? im so sick of wooddrop in fics its literally so bad
this ones a little longer than the rest so enjoy that ig

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