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"I'm confused as to why we're standing out here, in a dingy alley, when the man who has my niece's shield is in there," Rebekah said.

She nodded across the street at the building, then threw Kai and I a skeptical look. "Thought you two were supposed to be rather smart, but now...hm. Say, are you really the Gemini leader, Kai? Or is this one of those imposter spells? Now's certainly the time to come clean."

Kai stared at her, unamused. "Well, no need to prove to me that you're a vampire. You've got the impulsiveness down pat."

"Oh, I'm impulsive? Or would you consider that I just have common sense? We know we can take them, so what the hell are we waiting for?"

"Just remember," I whispered to Kai, even though the two vampires could totally hear. "It was your idea to call them here. Could've gone with my plan."

"You said, let's leave, get drunk and act like dumb tourists in the streets with those shiny bead necklaces and giant cups. Which is a decent plan for a bachelorette party, maybe, but not one to lift a shield off a damn Magnolia leader."

"You're just not thinking creatively."

Klaus crossed his arms, leaning against the brick wall of the alleyway. The shadows encroached on his impatient expression.

He and Rebekah answered Kai and I's message. Elijah was taking Hope to her mom, at the safe spot away from the mansion. The vampires were still tight-lipped about the location of the place, as if Kai and I were going to kidnap their part vampire, part witch, part whatever baby. Oh, but it was fine to blackmail us into helping them with a protection spell for the baby, right? Damn vampires and their inconsistent logic.

Kai and I had followed William and his posse for about twenty minutes until the group finally stopped at some shady, unmarked building. A guard outside had ushered them in, leaving us with no window of time to corner the Magnolia witch that had the shield attached to him.

So, yeah, I did suggest to Kai that it was the best time to cut our losses and go enjoy our night, before we dug into the book I stole from Oliver. He even seemed to consider it for a moment or two, but ultimately gave into his damn coven leader instincts and called Elijah. Of course, he sent his two unruly siblings in his place and here the four of us were, getting absolutely nowhere.

Rebekah walked toward me. "You strike me as someone all too eager to unleash her power. Doubt you'd really prefer bar-hopping over a chance to attack some egotistical witches."

"Mmm, you underestimate how much I love a good martini."

"More than you love a good fight?"

I glared at her. "Maybe my inclination for violence is limited to Original vampires today."

She was unperturbed. "Nik's around. You can let him have it, after you help me with the shield. Sound fair?"

"Sounds like I'm about to dismiss you from this outing, Rebekah," Klaus said dryly, pushing himself off the wall.

"I'm trying to negotiate. Feel free to finally chime in, though."

"I'm not in the mood for negotiations anymore," he said abruptly and flashed in front of me. My eyebrows raised at the display of vampiric speed. "Understand me now, witch. I get you and your boyfriend in there, you get the shield off, and perform the spell for my daughter. That's the plan. Only alternative is your lovely neck–" He brushed his cool fingers along my neck. "Dangling lifelessly from your body."

Burned » Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now