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"Now that the contenders have left the premises, I can personally take this moment to say..." Kai lifted his glittering champagne glass with a smile. "Welcome, Lunas. Or I guess a welcome back is more appropriate."

The Geminis and my own coven followed suit, raising their glasses. Meanwhile, I was still failing to connect my body with the room, to find my damn footing in this bizarre scenario. It had been an hour since the announcement, the Gemini had bid the losing covens pleasant good-byes, and I had watched them leave longingly, wishing I was in their shoes. We had all congregated to the bar, exchanging friendly roasts and greetings. The welcome wagon would've been heartwarming, if I didn't despise the witches behind it.

"Thank you, Malachai," My mother said kindly. "We went up against a lot of worthy opponents in the trials, so it's an honor that you considered the Luna Coven the best fit."

"Pleasure's ours, Amy. Also...might've been a little too polite to the others in my speech." Kai shrugged. "Fact of the matter is your coven was the clear choice from the beginning. I couldn't exactly say that too explicitly, since I try not to hurt our guests' feelings, but I don't see why I can't be cavalier about it now."

Oh, were we?

I couldn't tell if he was sugarcoating to get on my mother's good side, or if he really meant this crap, but it wasn't making any sense. He told me, point blank, that he didn't like me. How much could have changed between last night and today? Was he allowing his coven to sway him into a choice that he didn't really believe in, despite what he told me at the bar?

That didn't add up though, not after what I'd learned about Kai Parker. The decisions he made were his. He wasn't anybody's puppet. So, he really, truthfully, pinned my coven at the top of his list, on his own volition.

And I'd mistakenly played a hand in that outcome, like an idiot. Telling him to be honest with himself, to follow the mysterious force he was referring to–not knowing that said force was pushing him toward me....or my coven, to be more precise.

If only I could reverse time, with the knowledge that I have now, and push him to make a different decision entirely. Tell him something along the lines of "you know what, fuck your coven, do not follow the force, and pick a different contender, damn it!" Or maybe I wouldn't have approached him at the bar at all, because evidently, something I said made him certain of the Lunas and I dreaded to find out what that was.

"I completely agree," Joshua said, smiling. "There could be no one else for the position. I knew that even when I invited you here, Amy."

The bastard glanced at me, not even bristling at the cold look on my face. He merely continued to smile, making my magic hiss with irritation, and raised his glass.

"Here's to a fresh start between the Gemini and the Lunas. May we smoothly find our way back to being the wonderful allies that we once were."

Everyone lifted their drinks to accept his toast, voicing their mutual feelings.

My hand squeezed my glass tighter, shaking slightly. A small surge of my magic vibrated around it and it shattered. Glass and champagne spilled onto the floor, liquid trickling over my hand.

Heads whipped in my direction, scandalized. I didn't care. I wouldn't be apologetic for refusing to stand here and listen to a terrible ally babble about fresh starts. As if it were a mutual falling-out, and not necessary only because of the wrongs he committed.

Kai was staring at me, open-mouthed. Quickly, he composed himself and chose to break the silence.

"These glasses can be so faulty." He chuckled, waving a hand in the air. His magic cleared the floor beneath me of the mess and my hand of its dripping champagne. It was gone so fast that I stared at my dry hand, wondering if I imagined it. "Oh, look, the waiters are going around now with some dishes to go with your drinks."

Burned » Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now