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Waking up on the couch in the morning, groggy and disoriented, was usually the most obvious indication that I'd had another lazy night. It's happened more times than I'd like to admit. Nothing new there.

What was new was the doubling of body heat that was enveloping me now. And the soft breathing that definitely wasn't my own. Partners weren't usually invited to these kind of mornings, where I'd typically roll ungracefully off the couch and stumble to the bathroom. Yet, I apparently had a partner now. And more solid memories of last night started forming, as I regained my alertness.

I peeled open my heavy eyelids and found that I was unable to stay true to routine and roll off the couch now. Because Kai's arm was thrown over my waist and the man had quite a stronghold, even in his sleep.

Jesus, I had fallen asleep with Kai. Huge blow to professionalism. I'd be spending all week trying to patch that up, but I'd worry about that later.

The couch was spacious, but not enough for two bodies to lounge without getting entirely up close and personal. So, we were wrapped up rather tightly together, with Kai's muscular arm keeping my back against his chest and his cheek pressed into the side of my hair.

Quite frankly, when I informed Kai of exactly what the nature of our relationship needed to be during that conversation on the way back from Salem, I didn't anticipate that we'd be spooning days later.

He was so warm, a human body heater that eradicated the need for any sort of blanket, and I was seconds away from drifting drearily back to sleep. I didn't want to admit to myself that the only reason I didn't was because at that second, I caught sight of the time. It was a little past eight in the morning and I was supposed to be at work at nine.

"Shit," I uttered and immediately began to wriggle out of Kai's grip.

A husky groan poured out of his mouth and I realized, with widening eyes, that my ass had rubbed against his morning wood in my attempts to free myself.

"Luna," he spoke gravelly. "Was that your mean idea of a wake-up call? Next time, I'll settle for a kiss."

I desperately tried not to dwell on how sexy his morning voice was, or the vibrations of it traveling directly through me.

"Kai, I have work in an hour. Let me up."

"But you're so cozy," he mumbled, pressing his face into my hair. He inhaled softly. "Mmm. What shampoo do you use? Vanilla-scented? You smell so nice."

"Kai." I whacked his arm. "Would you stop sniffing me so I can get ready for work?"

Work, I sternly told myself. That was what took precedence right now, not his fingertips pressing into my stomach, stroking the sliver of bare skin exposed from my shirt partially rising.

"What time do you have work?"

His mouth was so close to my skin that his question made me feel overly warm and oddly tingly. It took me a moment to gather my thoughts to form an answer, even if it was so embarrassingly simple.


"Prism Publishing is, like, a fifteen minute drive." He snuggled closer, his limbs relaxing. "You have time."

"How do you even know that?"

I could've sworn he stiffened for a second, but he soon became relaxed again. "This is my city. I know it like the back of my hand."

"Well, I still need time to shower and get ready, so let go of me. Or I will start your morning off in the worst possible way."

"What's that?" He sounded amused.

Burned » Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now