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"I just don't get why you lied."

I stopped levitating Sam's couch cushions above my head and lazily looked over at him. He was sitting on his recliner, giving me an accusatory glance over his glasses. Luis was seated comfortably on the floor, munching at the bowl of popcorn while his eyes stayed glued to The Hangover Part II. We were steadily making our way through the trilogy tonight.

"I didn't lie."

"Uh, shall I recap? You said you weren't training with Kai, yet now I'm finding out you already had two sessions with the guy."

"You two are the worst people to watch a movie with," Luis grumbled, focusing intently on the screen.

Ignoring him, I continued to circle pillows in the air. "I originally wasn't going to, Sam, so it wasn't a lie. But...I don't know. Things changed. I took him up on his offer. What, do you disapprove?"

"No," he said quickly. "It's not that. I mean, there's a lot of things I don't know about him, but I trust you to handle yourself. I guess I'm just surprised."

"I...kind of am too," I admitted.

"What made you change your mind?"

I pressed my lips together, recalling the night of the full moon. It wasn't something that I had relayed to Sam, or Luis, or even my mother. What good would it do? Their nerves would only skyrocket and I was sure that I'd be routinely kept watch on, both by Sam and Luis, whenever possible. I didn't need them breathing down my neck, even if their intentions were good.

"Kai makes a convincing argument," was all I said and it wasn't a lie, either. The conversation I'd had with him in my apartment before the full moon did play into my final decision. It just hadn't been the immediate catalyst.

"Hm," Sam murmured. "You know, I did talk to him at the compound, like, two weeks ago? Asked him about his plan to train you, 'cause you know, rule number one in the big brother book is to protect you from bad guys."

I groaned, letting the pillows drop so I could cover my face with my hands. "Sam. What did you even say?"

"Would you relax? I just wanted to see what his intentions were with my little sis–"

"Oh, my God." I sunk deeper into the couch, my voice muffled by my fingers, and I spread my hands to glare at Sam through them. "You make it sound like he and I are dating. Just how much did you embarrass me?"

"I didn't," he snickered loudly at my furious expression. "I didn't say anything crazy, I swear, I just wanted to feel him out a little. But he seemed alright. Not just another Gemini trying to exercise their control wherever they can."

I lowered my hands, the annoyance subsiding as I considered his words thoughtfully. Kai was no carbon copy of his father, and for that reason alone, I had been willingly stepping into his apartment so we could work on my magic together. The conversation we had last Monday felt like another step, one that took us farther away from the high tensions that simmered at the trials. And into newer territory that, ironically, I was having even greater trouble adjusting to.

"Look at that," Luis chuckled, only sparing a brief glance from the television. "Eva doesn't want us to embarrass her in front of her Gemini bestie."

I just rolled my eyes at him and used my magic to send the bowl of popcorn away from him and into my waiting hands. Sitting up, I tossed one into my mouth, arching a brow at him pointedly.

"How has it been?" Sam asked, real curiosity shining in his eyes. "Training with Kai?"

I gnawed on my bottom lip, thinking of the fact that I'd sent him flying across the room more than once.

Burned » Kai ParkerWhere stories live. Discover now